Message from @Shem the Penman
Discord ID: 754369633485586442
Not a fan of debate format. I prefer the style like you see in my live events.
@everyone Lawrence Krauss shows up on Discord! Welcome new member <@!601541939614973953>
Is that actually Lawrence
Really good chat today, you guys. I love this community so much.
Was my first day. Thanks for the warm welcome Travis and Bobby and Miller and everyone there
Will definitely join again
Yep the community here is very nice and welcoming
I want to know the difference between archetype and mems
Thank u
Yoooo @everyone !! If you want to join our book club, head over to <#754149871455567892> and drop a message!! I want to get started soon! If you guys want to read The Moral Landscape together for the month of October, let me know and we will work it out!
Lawrence Krauss is probably my favorite physicist, science communicator and sexual predator alive today.
Hard stop. We have no evidence that he is a sexual predator.
That's not cool dude.
What's not cool is handwaving away the testimony of women because it put one of your science-bro idols in a bad light.
He was only accused of it
I could accuse you of the same thing
I could accuse you of anything
Doesn’t mean you did it
Innocent until proven guilty. Due process is real.
Several women did accuse him, and all he and his adoring fans have done is handwave away their testimony. It shows how much respect Krauss and you folks have for women in the freethinker community.
@Shem the Penman until evidence is presented, we must assume innocence.
in all honesty the standards of the judicial system are there for the sate not the individual
they are the stadnards for prosecution
And they are the standards which we should look at when prosecuting someone
Even as an individual if we’re just morally prosecuting them
I just want to make sure I get what you're saying: the fact that several women in the freethought community have accused Krauss of sexual impropriety means absolutely nothing to you.
It doesn’t mean that much to me
It means something to me
It doesn't mean nothing. It also doesn't mean we jump to conclusions.
But I could accuse anyone of anything
Accusing people of something is the easy part that anyone can do
Showing evidence or some sort of proof is the part that matters
The most
That's pretty cynical, that you're waiting for some sort of forensic evidence of Krauss's groping women. I guess it's true that "evidence" means whatever you want it to mean.
I didn’t say that
We need evidence or we have the Salem witch trials
You said that
we need evidence to prosecute them