Message from @kaizen
Discord ID: 755137627858141315
i don't understand this scene without context
@everyone defamation on Twitter???? No wayyy!.... I have zero tolerance.
Sounds fun.
Though I am curious about to what extent you could potentially pursue such a thing
see? lmao
There are avenues to persue.
Defamation seems like a helluva legal road
This word is so strange
It can be a tough one. But I see it as a worthwhile pursuit.
is there any discussion today?
Firing it up soon
If you want to see the level of irrationality in this #savethechildren movement, read these comments
@ThePangburn you understand that within a rounding error, no one employs skepticism in the slightest on the big moral questions. And even within this chat room, people here who think about this stuff all day every day are employing skepticism and STILL see some of what you say on this issue as problematic. you had to have known this would be the reaction
Outside a rounding error I should say
> @ThePangburn you understand that within a rounding error, no one employs skepticism in the slightest on the big moral questions. And even within this chat room, people here who think about this stuff all day every day are employing skepticism and STILL see some of what you say on this issue as problematic. you had to have known this would be the reaction
@BobbyMack "no one employs skepticism" you need Steven Pinker in your life. Skepticism is on a rampant rise, statistically. Just because someone thinks all day does not mean that they are thinking correctly. Seeing problems with what I say is different than saying "he's a pedophile". You're missing it all together. I just posted about the irrationality in the comments. You should've asked, what kind of comments are the irrational ones? Critiques of my position are not automatically irrational. Taking the logical leap to call me a pedophile is.
But what I'm saying is that when you speak that way to the general public, of course that's what they're going to jump to. It took a very long time yesterday on voice for people to find common ground with you on this. I don't really think it's something that can be explained in a few hundred characters. If people don't know anything else about you, that's going to be the reaction you get
And that's the issue.
The automaticity of the response.
The general public has spectacularly stupid knee jerk reactions to things like this. What they commented is exactly to be expected when posting something like that
Exactly what I'm saying^
Even though it’s incredibly irrational, society is a hive mind of these type of reactions
I didn't say the twitter reactions were the right response, but it will be the response. and with zero other context about who you are, it sounds worse than if you knew you were a philosopher
they knew*
@everyone the open mic will be GOD today
philosopher XD
Based off of my experience, I’d say the general public doesn’t even know the actual implications of being a philosopher so I don’t think it’d make a difference
Oh good lord. I'll get the mute button ready lmao
Sounds dank @ThePangburn
exactly @kaizen
What’s the open mic topic
today is gonna be "why is god so gay"
(hypothetically speaking)
Hes a perv
I'm just trollin ;P
Hes basically telling me what things to do in the bedroom and who to do them with and he watches just to make sure I don’t do anything that he doesn’t want me to do🤩 makes me feel so safe
🤩 🤩 🤩 🤩 🤩 🤩 🤩 🤩 🤩 🤩 🤩🤩 🤩 🤩 🤩🤩