Message from @jiggu badmash
Discord ID: 755552299106959432
sure, whats your username?
bobbymack1 @everyone come hang out!
nice games @Tiago Rodrigues
@BobbyMack You play really well! That was a massacre 😆
the first two were, the last one i was gasping for air at certain points
there were two moves where you missed a free piece
I'm not used to play 5 min so I made a lot of bad decisions 😅
we can talk on voice while playing if you want
ok! lets do it.
> we can talk on voice while playing if you want
@BobbyMack damn I was playing chess a lot a year ago. Haven’t touched it since
we're playing live right now
What app/ website?
Yea I have that app on my phone still I think
Can play and take some rust off in a bit
Is anyone here into math riddles?
Ya ya
@BobbyMack math and physics riddle s are awesome
I have a really good one, requires knowledge of algebra
Ok i will watch some algebra videos
Then think about it
There is a square town of unknown dimensions. There is a gate in the middle of each side. Twenty paces outside the North Gate is a tree. If one leaves the town by the South Gate, walks 14 paces due south, then walks due west for 1775 paces, the tree will just come into view. What are the dimensions of the town?
this problem is apparently from ancient China
I could just walk along one side of the square town and tell ya, why do all this crap? 😂
I’m certain it would be less than 1789 paces to do so.
@StoneCold316 way to be in the spirit of things
That's complicated but i think 2 dimensions
Hahha sorry. I just finished playing a an FPS game for 2 hours online. Not very ‘deep’ right now - just wanna point n shoot
Witch game u play
Dr disrespect
Who is ur favourite streamer
Haha -> Who is ur favourite streamer
@jiggu badmash Haha - don’t get time to watch much anymore