Message from @ThePangburn
Discord ID: 760114330078937108
Pangburn hello
Anyone around?
Ok I got it I think?
Is being gay a disease
> Is being gay a disease
@jeff69 post this in the science text and I can hopefully explain to you what I have come to understand of why people are gay.
There is slowmode in this section, move to a different one if you want to chat. :) @T2the2ndpowr @jeff69
wahts up
join the conversation
its so hard to get a word in
Make a claim that isn't fallacious
Evening all
@everyone every little bit helps. I appreciate any level of support.
Thank you m miller and Mr pangburn for a proper platform to discuss important topics
@Actually Awake it's our pleasure. :)
@everyone A new subscription option is now available on the Pangburn website. Becoming a subscriber guarantees you a seat at the weekly War Room meeting plus some other perks that will be added. This is where the war of ideas strategies are discussed. Please consider subscribing.