Message from @Mephed

Discord ID: 761270173536616489

2020-10-01 16:49:32 UTC  

Live on TV

2020-10-01 16:49:35 UTC  


2020-10-01 16:50:07 UTC  

He bullied Biden and got him to denounce major parts of the progressive platform

2020-10-01 16:50:26 UTC  

Now he can use that for a month and at the next two debates

2020-10-01 16:50:56 UTC  

I highly doubt we seen that style of debate again

2020-10-01 16:51:28 UTC  

Trump lost no one. But put a crack in the Democratic party

2020-10-01 16:51:37 UTC  

Unfortunately 4-6% of the population is lost completely due to the brainwashing and indoctrination campaigns. But everyone else is slowly starting to wake up. Deep State is on the backfoot, when does an enemy expend all their ammunition? When they know they can't stop what's coming.

2020-10-01 16:52:26 UTC  

In one of the focus groups 1/3 said it discouraged them from voting at all

2020-10-01 16:52:30 UTC  

I think it was CNN

2020-10-01 16:52:35 UTC  


2020-10-01 16:52:39 UTC  

That is a win for Trump

2020-10-01 16:52:55 UTC  

I've seen it echoed on my own social media

2020-10-01 16:52:58 UTC  

Did you see how 66% of people watching Telemundo said Trump won?

2020-10-01 16:53:38 UTC  

Also that video where CNN was like "Who here thought Joe Biden won?" And only 1 person out of a group of 15 raised his hand <:tuckerlaugh:758872277550235658>

2020-10-01 16:54:10 UTC

2020-10-01 16:54:10 UTC  
2020-10-01 16:55:26 UTC  


2020-10-01 16:55:39 UTC  

I've literally seen this shit 100 fucking times ^

2020-10-01 16:55:41 UTC  

Haha I was going to say that

2020-10-01 16:55:53 UTC  

Just as many left bots

2020-10-01 16:56:20 UTC  

I hate saying that, but it's true, also foreign instigators from China and Iran.

2020-10-01 16:56:37 UTC  

Anybody got the telemundo poll

2020-10-01 16:56:37 UTC  

Anybody got the telemundo poll

2020-10-01 16:57:34 UTC  

Ever see that one Iranian Military video where an officer is giving a lecture on American Racial history/tension and said that's the best route to destroy America from within? It was honestly pretty fucking Terrifiying, let me see if I can find it.

2020-10-01 16:58:07 UTC  

Look at these fucking virgins

2020-10-01 16:58:19 UTC  

they need pussy to calm down

2020-10-01 16:58:36 UTC  

referring to @DataVoid 's video

2020-10-01 16:58:58 UTC  

One of what I'm referring to ^

2020-10-01 17:00:04 UTC  

Think of ALL the foreign agents and bots working to stoke the fire.

2020-10-01 17:00:20 UTC  


2020-10-01 17:01:10 UTC  

Lmao the disinformation campaign

2020-10-01 17:01:15 UTC  

Sorry, but a unified, Homogenous Society > Everything else.

2020-10-01 17:03:05 UTC  

I thought I had the telemundo screen but I don't. Trump was at 64% approval

2020-10-01 17:03:31 UTC  

This quote summarizes my thoughts:
“We pointed out, the lines of policy then being pursued, were bound to end in disaster. They talked of what they called ‘multiracialism’, which was simply a universal mix-up. Take humanity, put it in a bag, shake it together, and Heaven knows what would come out. They wanted to get rid of what existed. All the little grey people of the world, who hate the beautiful diversity of human development, they always want to get rid of the natural, the noble and the beautiful. They wanted to get rid of it; they wanted to make all nature as grey as themselves. It was their deep instinct. We were always opposed to that. We said: no, it won’t work, and it’s undesirable that it should work. We can live in peace and friendship, side by side, in separate nations and separate developments, but we cannot have the mix-up of peoples and races who are widely different and divergent; it will lead to nothing but trouble."

2020-10-01 17:04:31 UTC  

"This policy of mixture, what does it really mean? It doesn’t mean ‘freedom’; it doesn’t mean ‘brotherhood’ or any of the cant and humbug which is taught. That is just the mask for some of the vilest forces on earth to exploit the peoples in the future, as they have done in the past. Every one of us in this hall was old enough to see before the War, every one of you know what happened; how the financial forces in the thirties went into these backward countries: into India within the Empire, into Hong Kong, into Japan, into China, and exploited these peoples to produce cheap sweated goods, which ruined the great industries of Britain and of Europe, which put Lancashire out of business in the cotton trade, Yorkshire out of business in the woollen trade. And these poor devils of coolies were exploited for a wage of a few shillings a week, for what purpose? To enable the city of London and Wall Street New York to make fatter profits…!"

2020-10-01 17:08:20 UTC  

Very long, but a very good and very accurate quote, especially taking in the fact that this was said in the 60s

2020-10-01 17:09:19 UTC  

Who's that from

2020-10-01 17:09:29 UTC  

And damn they were right

2020-10-01 17:10:08 UTC  

And it's still being pushed. Only since Trump and Johnson has there been push back.