Message from @linderball

Discord ID: 760928852364230677

2020-09-29 03:59:28 UTC  

Lucifer was the creators favorite angel and then Lucifer wanted to be more powerful than the creator and then God gave him the left foot of fellowship and got kicked down to Earth. Then Lucifer decieved Adam and Eve in the Garden and Adam brought Death into the world because he sinned against the creator and then Man could no longer fellowship with God..But The creator had a plan to bring man back into fellowship with God. He became flesh and took on all the sin and death in the world and paid the ultimate price. The creator died for his own creation. The creator of everything and life itself had to sacrifice himself so that man could return and fellowship with the creator. This made the Devil (Lucifer) pissed and he's been trying to ruin the plan of salvation ever since. This "mark of the beast" system is coming fast; and people are going to find out whether they are of God or of the Devil.

2020-09-29 04:00:56 UTC  

Been hearing about it since 1987.

2020-09-29 04:02:15 UTC  

You need to stop going after the numerology aspect of things and address the facts surrounding the issue @picturepurrfect

2020-09-29 04:02:44 UTC  

it is FACT that there is a political push for chipping people

2020-09-29 04:03:18 UTC  

But presenting information like this makes you seem like a religious nutter

2020-09-29 04:08:28 UTC  

@DataVoid I agree with you. We prophesy in part and we know in part. We have the facts and now we take the facts and look at holy scripture and then BOOM. The COVID19 Vaccine Medical tracking system is part of the mark of the beast.

2020-09-29 04:10:02 UTC  

The word of God is foolish to those that are perishing but is salvation to those who are being saved

2020-09-29 13:26:27 UTC  

JFC <:bruh:758871794903154759>

2020-09-30 17:26:32 UTC  

@DataVoid James Woods literally dropping a Q post. <:atlast:758774926869004348>

2020-09-30 17:27:28 UTC  


2020-09-30 17:28:17 UTC  

@Der König des Meeres does that make it mainstream now?

2020-09-30 17:28:44 UTC  

Idk, but people are going "Muh Fact Checkers tho"

2020-09-30 17:29:05 UTC  

Lmao, as if they were there to personally pat him down <:tuckerlaugh:758872277550235658>

2020-09-30 18:19:35 UTC  

I was hearing people were arguing the wire could be a fold in the fabric that caught the light wrong, but that still doesn't explain the weird stylus-pen looking thing on his wrist.

2020-09-30 21:37:36 UTC  

"Within 13 years the culture of ownership will have changed dramatically and people will simply not buy stuff the way they do today. That’s the conclusion of a contributor to the World Economic Forum, who has predicted that by 2030 we will no longer own “stuff” but rather rent it."
**World Economic Forum**

2020-10-01 00:53:57 UTC  

That's fucking horrific.

2020-10-01 01:16:30 UTC  

I wouldn’t mind getting rid of virtually everything I own if I could get cash for it

2020-10-01 02:37:55 UTC  

That's a one time endeavor, though

2020-10-01 17:06:21 UTC  

@DataVoid Are you for or against mandatory vaccinations

2020-10-01 17:06:41 UTC  

Asking for an english paper 🤓

2020-10-01 17:06:52 UTC  


2020-10-01 17:07:30 UTC  

The johnson case that is used to justify mandatory vaccinations are also the ones used to throw all the Japanese in camps

2020-10-01 17:07:56 UTC  

And the ones used in the Nuremberg trials to excuse a vast majority of the nazi's party's actions

2020-10-01 17:08:27 UTC  

The law used to justify mandatory vaccinations is fuckin horrendous

2020-10-01 17:09:04 UTC  

I gotcha, thanks for the info !!

2020-10-01 17:10:27 UTC  


2020-10-01 17:34:43 UTC  
2020-10-01 17:35:22 UTC  

The Epstein cell video is fake and being used to ban people off social media for "misinformation" So, heads up.

2020-10-01 17:35:35 UTC

2020-10-01 17:35:40 UTC  

I have not seen that yet

2020-10-03 12:59:30 UTC  
