Message from @binary_library

Discord ID: 761695276532236363

2020-10-02 01:53:23 UTC  

Yes I’ve seen some of your tweets, we need you

2020-10-02 02:27:28 UTC  

the reach is good and thats the main reason im here

2020-10-02 02:27:32 UTC  

for exposure

2020-10-02 02:27:37 UTC  

and Patriots of course

2020-10-02 02:27:58 UTC  

but everyone has a purpose you know what i mean

2020-10-02 02:28:02 UTC  

retweet power lol

2020-10-02 02:28:04 UTC  

Yes, we have to.

2020-10-02 02:28:13 UTC  

Exactly, the retweets are huge

2020-10-02 02:28:42 UTC  

Are you folks on Parler?

2020-10-02 02:28:54 UTC  

I am but I never use it.

2020-10-02 02:29:20 UTC  

It's getting much better

2020-10-02 02:29:57 UTC  

i dont use it either

2020-10-02 02:30:20 UTC  

I’ve heard it is getting a lot better

2020-10-02 02:30:35 UTC  

It's all of the Twatter expats

2020-10-02 02:31:08 UTC  

We need to grow this group with like minded people and retweet so we can get the truth out

2020-10-02 02:31:25 UTC  


2020-10-02 12:05:04 UTC  

My name is Cody, but online I usually go as Darth Cody the Wicked or that Mad Hatter. I am 39, I live in Indianapolis with my wife. I have no kids of my own, but she has 2 and they have a couple as well.
I am a song/poetry writer and musician. I am a very good drummer and a half ass guitar player. I write alot of songs that reflect my religious and political views, which differ from those in my band projects. I am here to network and offer original music to who would like to hear/ needs it. I am a Christian, I talk too much, and I could teach Romeo and Juliet a thing or two about being passionate towards the cause. I don't really desire to be on camera in a political setting (I don't think I'm educated enough for it) but i have a ton of experience behind a camera (stills and video) My belief in Christ is pretty much the only thing that keeps me caring about humanity as a whole...cause I think we are ruining things without him.

2020-10-02 15:04:25 UTC  

Welcome to the group, we could always use help at times

2020-10-02 18:20:29 UTC  

I'm a 40 year old father of 3! I love my God, my family and my country! I'm at IT professional by trade.
I woke up 2016 with #pizaagate and after Trump got elected i put my head in the sand. I discovered 17 last year and I've been on a journey for truth ever since.

2020-10-02 20:38:57 UTC  

If you love our country, you are free to your own opinions that you want here.

2020-10-02 21:05:05 UTC  

hi everyone, my name is RJ, i'm as @brianbyrd88 has mentioned one of the international supporters, i live in london, but i follow events around the globe and i've recently started a tiny youtube channel, where i like to rant about critical race theory, lgbt stuff and just wokeisms in general (same on twitter tbh). i believe in free speech and the freedom of opinion, but i'm also very rigorous about evidence and information. i also believe that there is nothing wrong about being proud of one's country and its history, as it doesn't mean the denial of the darker side of it, it just means the celebration of the good bits, which shouldn't be controversial and one shouldn't be called names for doing so. for me this is about protecting the right of people's freedom of thought and avoiding sliding down the slope of woke ideologies.

2020-10-02 21:10:16 UTC  

Hello Patriots. My name is Don. I’m a registered nurse and independent voter. I got redpilled a few weeks ago via Facebook and for the first time in a long time, things just made sense finally. I’m on Twitter @dondiharkreader and on Parler @TheDonQ

2020-10-02 21:21:38 UTC  

I'm Brian, I am a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Florida. I'm more of a traditional Conservative/Libertarian than the populism of the moment. I will be a host of the upcoming podcast "The Red-Pill Report," along with Hollie. We need to build a large tent of those proud of their country and unembarassed to hold traditional values. Glad to have you all here!

2020-10-02 21:42:10 UTC  

@brianbyrd88 is humble and doesn’t want to point out that he’s also a COVID-19 survivor. 👏🏻

2020-10-02 22:12:05 UTC  

Hello im Shad from Colorado im a farmer husband father and Vet i am Pro America anti liberal I get pissed when my flag is disrespected. I love my President and preach his message everywhere I go

2020-10-02 23:05:09 UTC  

Thank you for your service @Farmer Shad & @USA Freedom First 🇺🇸🙏

2020-10-02 23:08:55 UTC  

🇺🇲🇺🇲anything for our country!🇺🇸🇺🇸

2020-10-03 08:18:45 UTC  

Hi I'm from Scranton, PA . Work in the Scranton School District as an Assistant Librarian. I have 2 English Springer Spaniels that I adore. Bonnie Jade and Clyde Jackson.I'm a huge Trump supporter..I have a 30 ft. Flag pole in my Yard with Trump on it and below it the American flag with the dark Blue stripe supporting our Police. I feel like I'm living in the Twilight Zone with all this going on in our country. I can't believe it..

2020-10-03 17:39:20 UTC  

Hi everyone my name is Monty. 1eyeddogwatches like it says in my Twitter profile I'm a recovering addict. I been clean and sober for just over 4 years. I bring that up because I always had strong Christian beliefs and values was raised with them. I didnt live them in my addiction, but am trying to in recovery. I love our President and our country. God, country, family.

2020-10-03 18:14:48 UTC  

@1eyeddogwatches that's so great, i'm sure you worked hard to achive that, keep up the good work! 💓

2020-10-03 18:16:21 UTC  

@Barbie G. What are your thoughts on how PA is going to vote this election? What do you see on the ground in PA?

2020-10-03 18:18:39 UTC  

I’ve been screaming from the mountain tops, the Baby Boomers are going to sink us. One final punishment from the generation that rigged the system for themselves. Now they will pull the lever for Biden

2020-10-03 18:24:12 UTC  

You may have a point. One of my friends and his sister were liberals, then they took the red pill. Their parents were used to be conservative—but now they’re liberal. He remarked it was very strange how the tides had turned.

2020-10-03 18:24:34 UTC  

Not to hijack the bios channel (I’ll take this elsewhere)

2020-10-03 18:24:38 UTC  

All the boomers I know are republican conservatives....

2020-10-03 20:20:46 UTC  

Hey y’all! I’m a proud born and raised Texan and American who loves and supports our country. I work for a software company in the Dallas/Fort Worth area and am heavily involved in my church. I want to see our country return to many of the things that so many of us cherish in traditional values such as love for God, People and Country. I want to help guide our country back to those traditions and leave a better place for my children and someday when they grow up, their children and beyond. #GodBlessAmerica

2020-10-04 00:12:52 UTC  

Hello folks! I'm a 20 year old Oregonian who has supported Trump since (almost) the beginning. I was originally for Bernie until he endorsed Hillary in 2016 against Trump, so I gave Trump a chance and looked into the truth... Since then, I've been one of his many supporters! I truly believe that Trump is working to make our country better than it's ever been in a long time. I'm so glad I've managed to get along with other patriots, cause y'all are just amazing! I love God, wish to help the children that are being abused by the elite, and I just know we are going to keep winning once our president is re-elected. I'm also in the LGBTQA+ community and I got really happy to hear that he support us because honestly hell yea! But anyways, I hope we get along!

2020-10-04 00:13:57 UTC  


2020-10-04 00:15:26 UTC  

I'm a LG[B]TQ Trumper as well, welcome 🙂

2020-10-04 00:16:08 UTC  

Ayyy!! I'm happy to hear that, and thanks for the welcome! :D

2020-10-04 00:16:51 UTC  

32 year old, conservative. Been a trump fan since day one. just a laid back person who doesnt want to argue with anyone. Lifes too short!