Message from @Enginerd

Discord ID: 761420444556722227

2020-10-02 02:40:03 UTC  

Stress hormones are probably the ones most affected by that...

2020-10-02 02:40:37 UTC  

What’s your definition of death? Because your body will die at some point

2020-10-02 02:42:46 UTC  

Well, your body literally operates at various resonance frequencies

2020-10-02 02:43:21 UTC  

Haha that’s good...that you were reborn

2020-10-02 02:43:25 UTC  

And have faith

2020-10-02 02:44:53 UTC  

So what about the 0.5 - 1.6% of people who have tumors on their pineal gland (this includes cysts)...incidentally found or otherwise

2020-10-02 02:45:02 UTC  

They can never see through their third eye?

2020-10-02 02:45:18 UTC  


2020-10-02 02:45:31 UTC  

I didn’t realize that

2020-10-02 02:48:40 UTC  

How could the Bible know about the pharma industry?

2020-10-02 02:48:49 UTC  

Am I evil if I’ve ever worked in that?

2020-10-02 02:50:17 UTC  

Mmhmm of course

2020-10-02 02:50:39 UTC  

Yes we definitely need a Q channel for this kind of talk so it doesn’t clog the discord.

2020-10-02 02:51:20 UTC  

You’re all good. We just need a channel for this.

2020-10-02 02:52:17 UTC  


2020-10-02 02:52:27 UTC  

sorry, caps lock

2020-10-02 02:52:31 UTC  

Ahhh yeah

2020-10-02 02:52:39 UTC  

I don’t grasp this stuff

2020-10-02 02:52:54 UTC  

Science is usually my language 😂

2020-10-02 02:53:00 UTC  

Yeah, I can tell

2020-10-02 02:53:08 UTC  

Very complex

2020-10-02 17:28:47 UTC  

Hi guys I’m putting another video up to have people join. Once I do I will come back here so you can retweet it out! This is going to be amazing! You all are incredible and don’t worry we will kick out any weirdos!!

2020-10-02 17:38:43 UTC  

hello all

2020-10-02 17:39:26 UTC  

Welcome Zack!

2020-10-02 17:40:09 UTC  

Thank you Brian

2020-10-02 17:41:13 UTC  

Welcome ShellC3 can you both tell us a little about yourselves?

2020-10-02 17:43:57 UTC  

I just turned 30. I just moved to PA after living in NJ my whole life. In the early stages of college, going for political science. Voted Trump in 2016 and Voted for him again in 2020

2020-10-02 17:46:25 UTC  


2020-10-02 17:47:06 UTC  

Wife, mother, Nene... God, family, country. Praying for our country and our President. Have lived all over this great nation! Most recent move was escaping the tyranny of NY and became a Texan (my husbands home state).

2020-10-02 17:48:51 UTC  

Great to have you all, please retweet Hollie’s tweet and feel free to add any other dedicated patriots.

2020-10-02 17:56:16 UTC  

Welcome Stacy and Crazyj, please give us a short bio of yourself.

2020-10-02 18:00:11 UTC  

Sure i'm trying to figure this app out...sorry there...trump supporter...some times i have a potty mouth...i drink smoke go to church....a single pop to a wonderful daughter...

2020-10-02 18:00:51 UTC  

Hello eveyone , I'm a country girl from California, I love God, I love America, and I love our President Trump🇺🇸 ❤️ 🇺🇸

2020-10-02 18:00:55 UTC  

Yes the phone app is fairly straight forward, also the computer app.

2020-10-02 18:01:40 UTC  

We all follow each other on twitter and retweet the big info we need to get out there. It dramatically helps with getting our message out. There will be a podcast very soon as well.

2020-10-02 18:01:41 UTC  

I'm trying to change my avitar

2020-10-02 18:02:50 UTC  

Hi everyone, just learned of 17 less than a month ago but had already seen through a lot of the lies previously. So overjoyed about what I am learning. So much hope for the future!

2020-10-02 18:03:18 UTC  

Hey Yall

2020-10-02 18:05:44 UTC  

Great to have you Phillip, can you introduce yourself as well?

2020-10-02 18:07:06 UTC  

@crazyj1980 just figured it out. Top left menu, bottom right button