
Discord ID: 707642551301046382

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Hey Yall

Philip here.. came to this country as a 13 yr old. Been Blessed above and beyond I couldve ever imagined. USA all the way.


Tired of twitter censorship


Saw this earlier

No one will talk abt Biden for 2 weeks lol

Will be holding virtual rallies on zoom lmao

They want to mess with him during the debate.. he is abt to beat them at their own game

I saw a video this morning where he said that

Not sure when it was from

Let me see if i can find it


Calm before the storm

Thats what he said

Migrant caravan of 5000 heading to the border from Honduras.. just in time for election also


Followed a few of guys on twitter, please follow back

Looks like he will be there for few days

Trump just posted a video

These people have tested Positive for COVID ..
President Trump
Melania Trump
Hope Hicks
Kellyanne Conway
Ronna McDaniel
Bill Stepien
Sen Mike Lee (R-UT)
Sen Thom Tillis (R-NC)
Sen Ron Johsnon (R - WI)
3 White House Journalists

So Cleveland clinic where the debates were held.. supposedly 11 people tested positive for covid who were involved with planning and set up

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