Message from @Agent 34

Discord ID: 497434104976113696

2018-10-04 14:53:36 UTC

2018-10-04 14:54:48 UTC  
2018-10-04 14:55:50 UTC

2018-10-04 15:00:25 UTC

2018-10-04 15:17:11 UTC  
2018-10-04 15:18:27 UTC

2018-10-04 15:33:06 UTC This is a very well put together piece on our history ,cabal, deep state and what this movement is all about!

2018-10-04 15:33:06 UTC This is a very well put together piece on our history ,cabal, deep state and what this movement is all about!

2018-10-04 15:33:17 UTC  

☝ πŸ‘€ ☝

2018-10-04 15:34:41 UTC

2018-10-04 15:42:26 UTC  

POTUS has deep roots in NY(C). What two things made him and will keep him motivated?
1) 9/11 and 2) JFK demise (perhaps at the bidding of his friend JFK, JR?
[We've been led to believe it was military asking DJT to run for POTUS; was it JR. who persuaded him, instead - even if only in spirit?]

2018-10-04 15:44:59 UTC  
2018-10-04 15:45:32 UTC  

PLEASE watch the video @sly the huntres posted three times above.

2018-10-04 15:46:49 UTC  

@Agent 34 sorry didn t mean to share it so many times... it wasn't going so I hit it again ..ugh
but please watch it...😎

2018-10-04 15:50:04 UTC  

Cook Political Report shifts 7 more races towards Dems

2018-10-04 15:51:19 UTC  

πŸ™„ 'Anti-meme law' could see Mexicans jailed for posting insulting images

2018-10-04 15:52:15 UTC

2018-10-04 15:53:01 UTC  

@sly the huntres It should bring more attention Xs3... it's a good recap; can get us refocused after the press conference this a.m. that so many found disappointing... but should prove to be a link to the future.
Links @she7anon(USA) shared this morning, before she left for work.
(the ones I caught; there might have been more)

2018-10-04 15:54:34 UTC  

πŸ˜” British man trapped in shed as 'slave' for 40 years, officials say

2018-10-04 16:04:56 UTC  

Disbarred lawyer, 74, suspected of gunning down South Carolina cop: police

2018-10-04 16:15:25 UTC

2018-10-04 16:15:50 UTC

2018-10-04 16:28:46 UTC

2018-10-04 16:32:53 UTC  
2018-10-04 16:34:53 UTC  
2018-10-04 16:36:43 UTC

2018-10-04 16:36:55 UTC  

β€œβ€˜And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; even on my male servants and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy. And I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke; the sun shall be turned to darkness and the moon to blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and magnificent day. And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.'”
β€”Acts 2:17-21

2018-10-04 16:41:32 UTC

2018-10-04 16:44:06 UTC