Message from @JonJon

Discord ID: 500286056294514690

2018-10-12 12:18:57 UTC  

History of the anti vaccine movement!!!

2018-10-12 12:19:20 UTC  

Proud of THIS!

2018-10-12 12:27:03 UTC  
2018-10-12 12:31:31 UTC  
2018-10-12 12:32:48 UTC  

Improving in 1 & 2 above are the simple basics. There are many other areas in which you can make yourself better, more valuable.

Can you fly an airplane?

Are you skilled on a motorcycle?

Is your physical fitness solid?

Mechanical and/or electronic repair skills?

Medical, EMT skills?

Can you build, repair, and fly quadcopters?

Can you routinely win on a speedball paintball field?

Do you know how to drive a big truck?

Can you take big game in a wild setting? (not at some game ranch)

Can you dress and process that big game animal?

Are you SCUBA open water certified?

Do you know how to singlehand a sailboat? Have you done "The Loop" or an ocean crossing?

Do you know how to seduce a woman (or man, depending on your sex and predelictions)?

Have you actually read Sun Tzu?

2018-10-12 12:37:47 UTC  


2018-10-12 12:50:50 UTC

2018-10-12 12:51:06 UTC

2018-10-12 12:54:43 UTC

2018-10-12 12:55:12 UTC

2018-10-12 12:55:25 UTC