Message from @JonJon

Discord ID: 507684435743735808

2018-11-01 22:27:24 UTC

2018-11-01 22:28:28 UTC  

A former gynecologist who thought it was funny to dye a patient’s vagina purple is avoiding jail time.

Dr. Barry King, 58, pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor count of harassment linked to his idea of a prank, reported The Denver Post. The incident involved a former employee of his who was seeking medical advice when she worried her cancer might have returned.

The woman was a breast cancer survivor and was scared when she noticed a lesion on her vagina.

Her own gynecologist was recently retired, so she asked King for help.

"There was a level of comfort because I did believe he was my friend,” the woman said.

But after the exam, she told the Daily Sentinel, that King said something odd.

"He said, 'When you get home tonight, I want you to have (your husband) take a look at it," she told Mesa County Judge Michael Grattan.

2018-11-01 22:28:46 UTC  

It wasn’t until she returned home that she noticed purple on the toilet paper after using the bathroom. The woman said she recognized the dye as gentian violet, which is used to treat medical issues including yeast infections and thrush.

But the woman said she hadn’t heard of the gel being used in years. Since she worked on the administrative side of King’s practice, she just assumed it was in use again.

The next day at work, however, King seemed to think something was funny, the woman said.

That’s when King spilled the truth and said he did it as a joke.

"He said, '... It was a joke,'" the woman said. "It was a joke for (my husband)."

The woman said King told everyone in the office about the joke, too, which she felt like was a violation of her privacy rights.

"I was sexually objectified as a prank on my husband in hopes that his penis would be stained purple," she said. "That's disgusting."

Initially she didn’t want to report the incident, but a friend urged her to come forward, so it wouldn’t happen again.

2018-11-01 22:29:00 UTC  

King avoided jail time as part of a plea deal and will be allowed to medical license. His conviction could be overturned if he does not get into trouble in the next two years, as per the plea deal struck between the Mesa County prosecutor and King’s defense attorney. The Colorado Medical Board wrote a letter of admonition for his "unprofessional conduct" and required King to take a course on professional boundaries and ethics to keep his medical license.

The woman said the whole ordeal was "really horrific and humiliating,” and cost her mutual friends after people chose sides.

She described King as being "like a frat boy playing a prank and hazing me."

"I want to know where Dr. King's moral compass went," she said.

2018-11-01 22:30:53 UTC  

Speaker Paul Ryan makes campaign stop in Waukesha with Gov. Scott Walker and GOP Senate Candidate Leah Vukmir.

2018-11-01 22:31:09 UTC  

HMmmmmm Did she know she had a big payday coming for her forthcoming debut????

2018-11-01 22:32:14 UTC

2018-11-01 22:33:29 UTC  

reminder: feminism has ruined society so badly that some men might choose a fucking robot over a woman.

2018-11-01 22:35:42 UTC  

🗣 🗣 🗣 Just onTwitter and THE HATE that is spewing out of mouths is all from "Blue Wave " people ......projection much ????🗣 🗣 🗣

2018-11-01 22:35:47 UTC  

@DarkSlayer what was that didn’t hear

2018-11-01 22:36:42 UTC

2018-11-01 22:36:58 UTC  

Went out to dinner tonight. I started talking to my waiter, found out he was MAGA! LOL but I just about spit my water out when he asked me if I had ever heard of Q ! LOL LOL

2018-11-01 22:38:39 UTC  

I don’t know what’s going on but it seems we’re in backwards world & everybody lost their dang minds. everybody pray up & do not send your kids to these Liberal Universities.

2018-11-01 22:40:08 UTC

2018-11-01 22:40:45 UTC

2018-11-01 22:41:06 UTC

2018-11-01 22:42:52 UTC  

No longer a parrot-head

2018-11-01 22:46:19 UTC  

@learnshare hello, nice to see you back