Message from @Truth N’ Crimson
Discord ID: 509767518315872258
Greatest show on earth. TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP NO riots in the streets FISA FISA FISA
Stay LOCAL (U.S.)
GLOBAL = reflection of LOCAL.
Know your enemy.
"Every battle is won before it's ever fought."
Knowledge is POWER.
Arrest before January
voter fraud investigation now
before 2020
good Day Beautiful Patriots we are winning! A good worth while watch. Our President Trump ROCKS!!
Nice drop @DallasDebi
Found it on a FB page.
Do we have the strongest, bravest, smartest, most cunning President ever!! Yes we do and we LOVE PRESIDENT TRUMP!! We Patriots will ALWAYS be with you. LSM SUCKS CLASSLESS SCREAMING BANC HIES!! Time to clean them out. Eberyone let your voices be heard with your Gov Officials. We have to make them WORK!
I wonder if the LSM knows their days are numbered and real people have tuned them out.