Message from @retiredDep

Discord ID: 517685801006399500

2018-11-29 12:50:44 UTC  

Field making the chans again 😊

2018-11-29 12:50:53 UTC

2018-11-29 12:52:10 UTC

2018-11-29 12:52:36 UTC  

'UNLAWFUL': Baltimore City has filed a lawsuit against the Trump administration, calling efforts to alter a "public charge" policy "unlawful." The city argues the changes are restricting visa applicants and deterring law-abiding immigrants from applying for public programs.

2018-11-29 12:53:06 UTC  

omg, i wake up and we have a new picture to decode

2018-11-29 12:53:47 UTC  

6X-382-NTP0038-3u2 when I put this this in search it took me to a forum saying Saudi is doing a purge.

2018-11-29 12:55:08 UTC  

President Donald Trump's private jet, an instantly recognizable Boeing 757 used during his campaign, was caught up in a quintessential New York City traffic mishap at LaGuardia Airport on Wednesday: a fender bender while someone else was trying to park.
A corporate jet maneuvering into a parking spot clipped the wing of Trump's parked plane around 8:30 a.m., Trump's company, The Trump Organization, confirmed. The plane was parked and not in use, it said.
The corporate jet, a twin-engine Bombardier Global Express, had three crew members aboard. It had just completed an 18-minute flight from Islip, on Long Island, and was being guided by ground personnel along a ramp near the general aviation terminal.
No one was on Trump's plane.

2018-11-29 12:55:18 UTC

2018-11-29 12:56:51 UTC  

I reviewed the Christmas lighting and never saw the laser on president...I saw one light on podium...I will review again...

2018-11-29 12:57:22 UTC  

14 minute marker

2018-11-29 12:57:27 UTC  

I've looked as well, didnt see it

2018-11-29 12:57:32 UTC  

Thank you

2018-11-29 12:59:40 UTC  

Like I said I did see a possible laser on podium...but will review original vid and let ya know what I find

2018-11-29 13:01:19 UTC  

@AncestralCrosse I think it was the red lights from camera. Flashes

2018-11-29 13:03:02 UTC  

pic cropped...

2018-11-29 13:03:03 UTC  

Sorry Lib Media: Bill Clinton Took 26 Junkets with Sexual Deviant Epstein — Trump Banned the Perv From Mar-a-Lago

2018-11-29 13:04:16 UTC  

WASHINGTON – It was no accident that President Trump Wednesday retweeted an image of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein locked up.

When asked during an interview with The Post: “Why do you think he belongs behind bars?” Trump responded: “He should have never picked a Special Counsel.”

Earlier Wednesday, the commander-in-chief retweeted an image of his so-called enemies behind bars that said: “Now that Russian collusion is a proven lie, when do the trials for treason begin?”

Along with Rosenstein, the imprisoned foes include former Presidents Clinton and Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, John Podesta, Huma Abedin, Eric Holder, James Clapper and Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Rosenstein appointed Mueller in May 2017 after then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from the Russia probe.

Trump has repeatedly railed against Mueller’s subsequent “witch hunt.” He also fired Sessions in November.

The president declined to answer a question on whether he intends to fire Rosenstein, but stood by his firing of Comey.

“Thank God I fired Comey,” Trump said. “Because if I didn’t fire Comey, we wouldn’t know about (Andrew) McCabe, we wouldn’t know about (Peter) Strzok and his lover Lisa Page.”

2018-11-29 13:04:59 UTC

2018-11-29 13:06:07 UTC