Message from @retiredDep

Discord ID: 518113091603398660

2018-11-30 17:06:22 UTC  

Heavy rains are causing major problems in the burn zones. Residents who survived the Woolsey Fire are now dealing with tons of flowing mud and some evacuations.

2018-11-30 17:07:41 UTC

2018-11-30 17:07:52 UTC  

No criminal charges will be filed against any of the 42 people associated with a caravan of Central American migrants who were arrested in a clash that ended with U.S. authorities firing tear gas into Mexico to counter rock throwers, The Associated Press has learned.

The decision not to prosecute came despite President Donald Trump’s vow that the U.S. will not tolerate lawlessness and after extensive preparations were made for the caravan, including deployment of thousands of active-duty troops to the border.

2018-11-30 17:08:25 UTC  

Charges were not filed because the administration generally doesn’t separate families and because Customs and Border Protection didn’t collect enough evidence needed to build cases, including the names of arresting officers, according to a U.S. official familiar with the matter who was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Customs and Border Protection acknowledged that no charges were filed but declined to say why.

2018-11-30 17:08:39 UTC  

So Europe, the Plan is to import around 4 BILLION migrants.

You've got plenty of room.

Germany has room for 275 million (population was 82 million in 2008)

Sweden has room for 441 million (population was 9 million in 2008)

2018-11-30 17:08:42 UTC  

👆 👆 👆

2018-11-30 17:09:18 UTC

2018-11-30 17:11:44 UTC

2018-11-30 17:14:08 UTC  

8 SHOT, 1 KILLED: A man was killed and eight others wounded Thursday within 12 hours of gun violence across Chicago. DETAILS:

2018-11-30 17:15:05 UTC  


2018-11-30 17:17:45 UTC

2018-11-30 17:17:48 UTC  

I’ve been on the City Council for almost 50 years and as you know I’ve been involved in previous investigations, I’ve always cooperated, nothing has ever come of any of those investigations," he said. "I’ll fully cooperate in this one. I’m confident that again there’ll be nothing found to be amiss.”
He would not answer whether or not he had been questioned by the Chicago police, FBI or U.S. Attorney's office.
Asked what he thought of speculation that the investigation had anything to do with his previous work for President Donald Trump, Burke laughed and repeated his statement about how nothing will be found "amiss."

2018-11-30 17:18:07 UTC  

Asked if he thought the investigation could hurt his chances for re-election, Burke said “that’s up to the voters.”
“I’ve had the trust of the voters of this community for 50 years, and I am certain that they know that I am a person of integrity and honesty and we’ll see what happens,” he said.
A witness reported seeing at least a dozen, possibly as many as two dozen, federal agents dressed in dark suits taking the elevator to Burke's office on the third floor of City Hall.

2018-11-30 17:18:29 UTC  

Burke is both the alderman and the Democratic committeeman for the 14th Ward on the Southwest Side, as well as the longest-serving City Council member in Chicago history, first elected in 1969.

2018-11-30 17:18:42 UTC  
2018-11-30 17:19:02 UTC  

Widely considered to be one of the most powerful politicians in Chicago, Burke chairs the council's Finance Committee.
He is far and away the most prolific fundraiser on City Council, with more than $12 million in three campaign committees as of the most recent filing deadline on Sept. 30.

2018-11-30 17:19:27 UTC  

Burke has previously been subject to scrutiny over potential conflicts of interest, as well as federal investigations over allegations of ghost payrolling.
In 2012, a federal grand jury subpoenaed six years worth of records from Burke's Finance Committee amid an investigation into Chicago's employee disability program.
He has never faced charges in any of the investigations.

2018-11-30 17:19:40 UTC

2018-11-30 17:19:43 UTC  


2018-11-30 17:19:51 UTC  

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel said he was not given any advance warning about the agents' presence at Burke's office and was "following along with press reports... just like everyone else."
Ald. Howard Brookins, whose City Hall office is next to Burke's, said he too was stunned by the federal investigation but wished Burke "all the best."
Gov. Bruce Rauner said the search was "long overdue."

2018-11-30 17:20:16 UTC  

Burke is married to Illinois Supreme Court Justice Anne Burke, who was sworn in to another term on the bench Thursday. She had previously been scheduled to take part in a public swearing-in, but instead opted for a private ceremony Thursday morning.
Ald. Burke, 74, is up for re-election in February, an election in which four other candidates have filed petitions to challenge him

2018-11-30 17:20:51 UTC  

I am ready for brave patriots to come forward and tell the truth about what has been going on in our government for 40 years. Be brave. Expose all of the evil. I know there are some brave military men and some in government that are ready to do what is right. Expose all cowards in the senate and congress that have betrayed our trust for money. We know who the father is of lies and all his children of lies.

2018-11-30 17:21:40 UTC  

HEARTBREAKING: More than 200 pilot whales have died around New Zealand in the past week.

2018-11-30 17:22:46 UTC  

Mueller closes in on Trump and Co.

An early look at Friday's front page...

2018-11-30 17:24:00 UTC  

Exposed information includes names, phone numbers, email addresses, genders, passport numbers, date of birth and arrival and departure information. It also could include payment information and card expiration dates for some victims.

2018-11-30 17:24:18 UTC  

Mike 'Thomas Paine' Moore
‏ @Thomas1774Paine
11h11 hours ago

Hyde-Smith win helps GOP majority avoid Kavanaugh drama repeat in 2019