Message from @Arkansasmaga

Discord ID: 518894871566614545

2018-12-02 20:01:13 UTC

2018-12-02 20:02:43 UTC

2018-12-02 20:02:54 UTC

2018-12-02 20:03:00 UTC

2018-12-02 20:07:06 UTC  

@LordVader I think that article is misquoted brother

2018-12-02 20:16:40 UTC  
2018-12-02 20:20:30 UTC  

Article already placed here? If not ... “I had sexual intercourse with [Alan] Dershowitz at least six times,’’ Roberts wrote ...

2018-12-02 20:22:06 UTC  

Why have the media, communist, socialist and all democrats singing the praises of No Name and President Bush when in the past they were against them?

2018-12-02 20:35:38 UTC  

What was the name of that woman that camped out at President W. Bush during the war, she talked about how bad he and Cheney were for getting us in the war????

2018-12-02 20:36:53 UTC  

I have not heard any thing from her in years

2018-12-02 20:38:20 UTC  

The media were always reporting about her.

2018-12-02 20:48:25 UTC  
2018-12-02 20:56:01 UTC

2018-12-02 20:59:40 UTC  

You have gained a rank @BrassMonkey, you just advanced to 5 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-12-02 21:02:57 UTC  

I thought Cindy Sheehan was a liberal grieving mother from California. I was wrong about her. She was right.

2018-12-02 21:04:18 UTC  

She is now vindicated

2018-12-02 21:05:35 UTC  
2018-12-02 21:27:33 UTC

2018-12-02 21:36:08 UTC

2018-12-02 21:36:57 UTC

2018-12-02 21:38:27 UTC

2018-12-02 21:44:45 UTC

2018-12-02 21:46:02 UTC

2018-12-02 21:48:02 UTC

2018-12-02 21:48:19 UTC

2018-12-02 21:48:26 UTC  


2018-12-02 21:56:35 UTC

2018-12-02 21:56:40 UTC  

Democratic Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (Wash.) joined the migrant caravan on Saturday in their attempt to cross the border, condemning President Donald Trump for "creating the crisis." She said she was able to help five asylum seekers gain access to the United States. It appears she bullied these people into the court system.

Before she went to the border, Jayapal blasted trump for "lying" about the caravan and creating a crisis for his own political benefit. Jayapal, the newly elected chair of the House Progressive Caucus, cited in an interview the reason for her trip to the border was fueled by the border patrol's use tear gas for crowd control after nearly 500 migrants tried to rush the border.

The Department of Homeland Security released statistics that showed the use of pepper spray was used by previous administrations. In fact, the Obama administration used pepper spray at a higher rate than the Trump administration.

2018-12-02 21:59:15 UTC  

Congress will be getting testimony from US Attorney John Huber this week on the DOJ's investigation into the Clinton Foundation and the sale of 20% of the United State's uranium to Uranium One, a Russian company.

The committees will also be interviewing James Comey and Loretta Lynch which is going to be very juicy. I remain hopeful that the committees can get the truth out of them and prompt another Special Counsel appointed to investigate the people who weaponized the DOJ and FBI to meddle in the 2016 election.

2018-12-02 21:59:36 UTC