Message from @T E M P L O I T E R

Discord ID: 759992314608615475

2020-09-28 04:13:30 UTC  

Oh shit, he's so overloaded he doesn't pay taxes. Awww shucks.

2020-09-28 04:14:46 UTC  

I'll never hate the player

2020-09-28 04:14:57 UTC  

Although I can understand how this is terrible optics for Trump

2020-09-28 04:15:03 UTC  

Right now, as President, he's donating his only taxable income to charity. Everything else is bound up in a trust, or in the corp he is not a part of, for now, while President.

2020-09-28 04:15:12 UTC  

the issue isnt that its illegal, bc its not. It's that he promotes an image to the people thats disingenuous

2020-09-28 04:15:33 UTC  

I don't see how, what has he promoted that is disengenuous?

2020-09-28 04:15:38 UTC  

He's already openly admitted that he doesn't pay income taxes. What's disingenuous?

2020-09-28 04:15:49 UTC  

That he's not really rich?

2020-09-28 04:15:51 UTC  

On paper?

2020-09-28 04:15:56 UTC  


2020-09-28 04:16:01 UTC  

Nobody is rich on paper.

2020-09-28 04:16:04 UTC  

I know.

2020-09-28 04:16:11 UTC  

Jeff Bezos only makes 80k/year from Amazon <:PepeLaugh:565528391336329216>

2020-09-28 04:16:11 UTC  

Why would you be rich on paper?

2020-09-28 04:16:19 UTC  

Amazon itself pays no taxes.

2020-09-28 04:16:24 UTC  

Cant seem to make a profit.

2020-09-28 04:16:36 UTC  

It's all so tiresome

2020-09-28 04:16:58 UTC  

Trump shoulders the blame while the establishment media ignores the actual problem:


tax codes

2020-09-28 04:17:49 UTC  

Yes, flat tax 10% across the board, no write-offs, everybody from top to bottom pays it, no minimums. You make 20 bucks a year, you pay 2 in taxes. You make 20 billion, you pay 2 billion in taxes.

2020-09-28 04:17:53 UTC  

he doesnt seem to have the means to pay his debts, yet he parades himself as having fuck you money

2020-09-28 04:18:07 UTC  


2020-09-28 04:18:18 UTC  

and he gets into office ridin in on how ppl like him are able to cheat and then does nothing about it for 4 years

2020-09-28 04:18:41 UTC  

He tried to do 3 different tax reforms, 1 passed.

2020-09-28 04:18:45 UTC  

but muh socialism

2020-09-28 04:18:46 UTC  

It was the vanilla one.

2020-09-28 04:19:30 UTC

2020-09-28 04:19:37 UTC  

He's not actually a God Emperor. The Congress has to go along with changing the tax code, and they do not want to do that at all. They like it complicated and byzantine.

2020-09-28 04:20:05 UTC  

too bad he cant seem to drain that swamp

2020-09-28 04:20:10 UTC  

byzantine and covered in red tape

2020-09-28 04:20:10 UTC  

It is too bad.

2020-09-28 04:20:30 UTC  

swampy red tape covered in bureaucratic muck

2020-09-28 04:21:04 UTC  

Too bad Herman and his fair tax are gone

2020-09-28 04:21:25 UTC  

I said to myself if Trump gets 8 years and we don't see significant cleanup, then it isn't able to be cleaned, and I'll not give a fuck about politics again. Not worth my time or frustration. I'll do what my dad said was the smart way: rip off the state for as much as you can because they aren't going to help you get rich.

2020-09-28 04:21:49 UTC  

Galatians 6


Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and not be entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

2020-09-28 04:21:53 UTC  

and so the cycle continues

2020-09-28 04:22:48 UTC  

If it isn't cleaned up, or on the way, after 8 years of Trump, just look out for you, your family, your community. At some point the US, despite its advantages and position, will be unable to extend and pretend. Get your house in order.

2020-09-28 04:22:51 UTC  

He's cleaned up the republican side pretty well. He's made so many career politicians and breaucrats quit it's been beautiful.

2020-09-28 04:23:21 UTC  

We're about to have an evolved Ted Cruz

2020-09-28 04:23:27 UTC  

Cruz has been killing it recently

2020-09-28 04:23:34 UTC  

Trump has made Ted Cruz 1000% better.

2020-09-28 04:23:36 UTC  

@SYLE I've enjoyed his pod