Message from @T E M P L O I T E R

Discord ID: 759991858796953634

2020-09-28 04:11:49 UTC  

They can't touch the Trust, it is its own legal entity, and I'm sure his corp is set up similarly.

2020-09-28 04:12:24 UTC  

but they can get at the corporations. and then if he is just using the corp's stuff, what does he have then?

2020-09-28 04:12:45 UTC  

It isn't a sole proprietorship, in other words.

2020-09-28 04:12:59 UTC  

Exactly, what does HE have. For taxable purposes?

2020-09-28 04:13:05 UTC  

It's all a game

2020-09-28 04:13:13 UTC  

he has debts

2020-09-28 04:13:30 UTC  

Oh shit, he's so overloaded he doesn't pay taxes. Awww shucks.

2020-09-28 04:14:46 UTC  

I'll never hate the player

2020-09-28 04:14:57 UTC  

Although I can understand how this is terrible optics for Trump

2020-09-28 04:15:03 UTC  

Right now, as President, he's donating his only taxable income to charity. Everything else is bound up in a trust, or in the corp he is not a part of, for now, while President.

2020-09-28 04:15:12 UTC  

the issue isnt that its illegal, bc its not. It's that he promotes an image to the people thats disingenuous

2020-09-28 04:15:33 UTC  

I don't see how, what has he promoted that is disengenuous?

2020-09-28 04:15:38 UTC  

He's already openly admitted that he doesn't pay income taxes. What's disingenuous?

2020-09-28 04:15:49 UTC  

That he's not really rich?

2020-09-28 04:15:51 UTC  

On paper?

2020-09-28 04:15:56 UTC  


2020-09-28 04:16:01 UTC  

Nobody is rich on paper.

2020-09-28 04:16:04 UTC  

I know.

2020-09-28 04:16:11 UTC  

Jeff Bezos only makes 80k/year from Amazon <:PepeLaugh:565528391336329216>

2020-09-28 04:16:11 UTC  

Why would you be rich on paper?

2020-09-28 04:16:19 UTC  

Amazon itself pays no taxes.

2020-09-28 04:16:24 UTC  

Cant seem to make a profit.

2020-09-28 04:16:36 UTC  

It's all so tiresome

2020-09-28 04:16:58 UTC  

Trump shoulders the blame while the establishment media ignores the actual problem:


tax codes

2020-09-28 04:17:49 UTC  

Yes, flat tax 10% across the board, no write-offs, everybody from top to bottom pays it, no minimums. You make 20 bucks a year, you pay 2 in taxes. You make 20 billion, you pay 2 billion in taxes.

2020-09-28 04:17:53 UTC  

he doesnt seem to have the means to pay his debts, yet he parades himself as having fuck you money

2020-09-28 04:18:07 UTC  


2020-09-28 04:18:18 UTC  

and he gets into office ridin in on how ppl like him are able to cheat and then does nothing about it for 4 years

2020-09-28 04:18:41 UTC  

He tried to do 3 different tax reforms, 1 passed.

2020-09-28 04:18:45 UTC  

but muh socialism

2020-09-28 04:18:46 UTC  

It was the vanilla one.

2020-09-28 04:19:30 UTC

2020-09-28 04:19:37 UTC  

He's not actually a God Emperor. The Congress has to go along with changing the tax code, and they do not want to do that at all. They like it complicated and byzantine.

2020-09-28 04:20:05 UTC  

too bad he cant seem to drain that swamp

2020-09-28 04:20:10 UTC  

byzantine and covered in red tape

2020-09-28 04:20:10 UTC  

It is too bad.

2020-09-28 04:20:30 UTC  

swampy red tape covered in bureaucratic muck

2020-09-28 04:21:04 UTC  

Too bad Herman and his fair tax are gone

2020-09-28 04:21:25 UTC  

I said to myself if Trump gets 8 years and we don't see significant cleanup, then it isn't able to be cleaned, and I'll not give a fuck about politics again. Not worth my time or frustration. I'll do what my dad said was the smart way: rip off the state for as much as you can because they aren't going to help you get rich.

2020-09-28 04:21:49 UTC  

Galatians 6


Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and not be entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

2020-09-28 04:21:53 UTC  

and so the cycle continues