Message from @Ozark Wanderer

Discord ID: 758879435129749526

2020-09-24 19:37:33 UTC  

Where's the tin foil?

2020-09-24 19:37:57 UTC  

ill check the kitchen cabinet

2020-09-24 19:48:53 UTC

2020-09-24 19:52:06 UTC  

I glow but because of the fallout the US government let spread out across the country

2020-09-24 19:58:43 UTC  

I glow but its from getting hit with chinese DEW microwaves

2020-09-24 20:37:11 UTC  

if you didn't already figure it out yet

2020-09-24 23:48:24 UTC  

Trump voters are going to the polls anyway

2020-09-24 23:49:38 UTC  

No self respecting trump voter commits mail ballot fraud. These were clearly trump team planted fake ballots to legitimize their fraud claim

2020-09-25 02:35:56 UTC  

Democrats and Republicans are working together to being Americans to their knees.
Y'all gonna take the mark of the beast? I mean vaccine?
Heard Trump say he would use the military for dispersion of the vaccine.

2020-09-25 02:36:27 UTC  

Operation: Warpspeed

2020-09-25 02:38:52 UTC  

so is Trump trying to spread the globalist satanic deep state vaccine or is he fighting to stop the globalist satanic deep state ?

2020-09-25 02:41:54 UTC  

A vaccine is inevitable

2020-09-25 02:47:21 UTC  


2020-09-25 02:54:44 UTC  

@Secret Squirrel Once you realize that the powerful people behind the scenes don't give two flying cares to the wind about "right" or "left"; it slowly dawns on you that the powerful people are serving Lucifer and his kingdom of Demons. You then can realize that Aliens are Demons and Demons are Aliens. That there are in fact Angels in this world that are not fallen; but it is a good chance that those good Angels are not in the Churches but are living on the street. It may be true that the public perception of "Satanism" is that those in the religion do not worship Satan and they worship themselves; but to the un-initiated; one must understand that there are indeed Aliens and they are Demons. The Demons/Aliens don't just stop at crop circles and witch gatherings; One must realize must take that knowledge and apply it to every major event that happens in the US. ex: the Breonna Taylor situation. These beings are feeding off of peoples fears and are being allowed by the creator YHWH to "inspire" people to retaliate and "Take up arms" defend their country. What will eventually happen is that the powers that be will need more violence and then that will be used as an excuse to enact Martial Law to quell the protests because the violence is getting so bad. One can see that the Mask mandates is a pre-cursor to the COVID-19 Vaccine mandate that will be enacted by the Federal Government and it wont matter if Trump or Biden are President because there are powers and principalities that govern those in power. Get ready for a wild ride my friends; this isn't ending anytime soon and it is going to get a whole lot worse.

2020-09-25 02:55:48 UTC  

wow not ever gonna read *that* wall of text lol

2020-09-25 02:56:57 UTC  


2020-09-25 02:57:08 UTC  

@Barbaricus The tldr version: Don't take the Vaccine. Aliens are Demons. Get ready for major disasters and plagues.

2020-09-25 03:01:55 UTC  

you been reading too much DOOM lore my guy

2020-09-25 03:05:02 UTC  

so alexjones.txt?

2020-09-25 03:07:59 UTC  

Alex Jones is controlled opposition

2020-09-25 03:10:57 UTC  

need I say more

2020-09-25 03:11:11 UTC  

[Info Graph detailing about the COVID-19 Vaccine and the dangers to come]

2020-09-25 03:32:18 UTC  

If the military is the guinea pigs, I'll let you all know how (much more) retarded it makes me

2020-09-25 03:32:53 UTC  

@picturepurrfect Alex Jones is Mossad

2020-09-25 05:11:55 UTC  

Mossad is everywhere.

2020-09-25 11:36:12 UTC  

<:scubasteve:758880586839883807> <:scubasteve:758880586839883807>

2020-09-25 13:41:57 UTC  

@conn honestly would not be surprised.

2020-09-25 16:32:02 UTC  

What y'all think about this