Message from @Der König des Meeres
Discord ID: 758919942702759977
Ricky, WWHD?
my stepfather got one that says 'american badass' on his chest and i could turn that fucker into a pretzel
Tell me im not Brock Lesnar and to get in the back
Princess here
We are big league now bois
What is that
They didn't mention us.
Is that a child
Wtf js that
don't dox this
Just "muh right wing commentators"
Please god HDP I need brain bleach after that
just because they didn't mention us doesn't mean we aren't on the radar.
Who is this
The right wing commentators are the ones who spread the story
Who did this
everyone thinks it was a /pol/ op
we get no credit
Message to all commie punks, heck off.
good, we don't need that level of attention
not you
Is this what were up against n foreal?
not that level
> we get no credit
@dankbanshee very good and excellent
speak quietly and carry a big stick
for real
Is this their bst?
everyone just defaults to calling everyone on the internet /pol
fly below radar and carry many AGMs
better that pol gets the heat and not us, ~~after all, smart terror cells do not claim successes~~
Jesus christ dude il end the Civil War myself if this is it
And @dankbanshee please shut the fuck up about your server being responsible