Message from @Der König des Meeres
Discord ID: 758919532331925526
I cant forgive that how can he
i asked him to give me my father back and shit didn't happen for like a decade
<@&758768006217072648> we got onto NYT
God always waiting for lost sheep
But what if I'm a wolf
Lol fuck NYT
Same. Wolves belong to god too. Wolves are needed when properly balanced
this article is retarded
So.. God's warrior for good.. not chaos and anger
most of the things NYT produces are @Sevonas
So how's he gunna help calm me down then
A UhAuL DoEsNt NeEd A bIlLiOn DoLlAr FiNaNcIeR
You are not on your own, @Ricky Beanbag
Dont mistake subservience to God with weakness
Literal gigachads who wrote history in blood were some of the most pious and loyal men ever
The tattoo on my chest says otherwise closedanger
a tattoo doesn't mean shit
it's just ink on skin
<@&758768006297157642> also check out the nose on the author
I got it for a reason
Ricky, WWHD?
my stepfather got one that says 'american badass' on his chest and i could turn that fucker into a pretzel
Tell me im not Brock Lesnar and to get in the back
Princess here
We are big league now bois
What is that
They didn't mention us.
Is that a child
Wtf js that
don't dox this
Just "muh right wing commentators"
Please god HDP I need brain bleach after that
just because they didn't mention us doesn't mean we aren't on the radar.
Who is this