Message from @Froge
Discord ID: 758918470048940032
i still feel a little bit of it and come here to watch protestors get the shit beat out of them and cope
God imgur is a faggot
Straight up
Worst image hosting site
I ripped a door off this shit
why tho
retard strength
You a religious guy?
Eh kinda
I dunno anymore
Tbh in between being pagan and christian
You should try going back to church. It really helps.
I honestly dont feel like I deserve to
I mean im catholic but whatever you are if it works just do
You deserve it more than the average
I feel like God told me no so long ago that I can't ask him shit now
forgiveness is a central part of the christian religions
But I asked him to help me
He helped
He will never turn his face from you until your dying breath
Then I fucked him over
I cant forgive that how can he
i asked him to give me my father back and shit didn't happen for like a decade
<@&758768006217072648> we got onto NYT
God always waiting for lost sheep
But what if I'm a wolf
Lol fuck NYT
Same. Wolves belong to god too. Wolves are needed when properly balanced
this article is retarded
So.. God's warrior for good.. not chaos and anger
most of the things NYT produces are @Sevonas
So how's he gunna help calm me down then
A UhAuL DoEsNt NeEd A bIlLiOn DoLlAr FiNaNcIeR
You are not on your own, @Ricky Beanbag
Dont mistake subservience to God with weakness
Literal gigachads who wrote history in blood were some of the most pious and loyal men ever