Message from @SeaWolf

Discord ID: 634138014066409502

2019-10-16 01:11:02 UTC  

@Megaquake perhaps there will be a different pope francis to come,
or perhaps even prophets can be tricked and fooled by the devil,
all good or all bad is rather polarizing, could be he was a shade of grey, some truths some not,

who knows. but that one single prediction about pope francis is hardly strong enough to debunk all his other predictions which did come true.

2019-10-16 01:11:23 UTC  

just my opinion.

2019-10-16 01:35:15 UTC  

@imig @Megaquake As I said, I don't follow Kim Clement or know much about his prophesies. In Jesus parable about the wheat and the tares, He said that the rain falls on the just and the unjust and they both rejoice. There is a spirit of prophesy that can fall on the good and the not so good. When Paul was preaching in a certain city he was followed about by a maid who had a spirit. That spirit caused the girl to proclaim that Paul and his companions were speaking the words of God. What she said was the truth but because she said it through an evil spirit, Paul rebuked the evil spirit and cast it out of her.

2019-10-16 01:39:47 UTC  

Once again, as I said before, if a prophet says even one thing in the name of the Lord that doesn't come to pass then don't pay attention to any of it. As to calling it out, I'd still be very careful, unless God tells you to do so.

2019-10-16 01:40:40 UTC  

Be ready for the pushback

2019-10-16 01:41:17 UTC  

to be fair clements statements did not speak to francis's motives or intents, only to the effects hed have,
they also didnt clarify if it is this francis or an upcoming one.

who knows, in time the truth will out

2019-10-16 01:45:17 UTC  

It's good to look at these things but also good to be circumspect, realizing that we can't always see the full picture.

2019-10-16 01:54:42 UTC  

There are a number of scriptures pertaining to teachers and false teachers. The waters have been muddied around these things in these days. Having a relationship with Jesus Christ and being filled with His Spirit is the best way to keep from confusion but even Peter was lead astray in at least one thing; when Paul had to call him out for dissembling at a feast.

2019-10-16 05:29:49 UTC

2019-10-16 10:58:10 UTC  

@imig @Shadetree49 did you listen to the audio from mixcloud its not all about the Pope prophecy, so much more

2019-10-16 11:36:30 UTC

2019-10-16 12:26:37 UTC  

@Megaquake I didn't listen to all of it. As I said, he is not someone I follow.. I'd prefer to leave the subject alone, if you don't mind.

2019-10-16 12:51:37 UTC

2019-10-16 12:51:43 UTC

2019-10-16 13:14:31 UTC  

1 Thes 5:30 "Despise not prophesying." If you don't understand it, leave it alone. If you think the vessel is corrupt, remember that God spoke through a donkey once. If you spend your time debunking others, you might miss out on the good that God wants to do through you.

2019-10-16 13:45:46 UTC  

@Shadetree49 Thank you brother for who you are.

2019-10-16 15:03:44 UTC  

@clarion1 Thank you too. I'm not good for much these days but what I have I'll share until He comes to get me.

2019-10-16 20:11:43 UTC

2019-10-16 21:48:34 UTC  

@SeaWolf this is the wrong channel for that, you can put it in <#464847785288794122> or <#435884183085252618>

2019-10-16 22:36:20 UTC  

Thank you to those who prayed for the laser procedure on my eyes. I had my follow up yesterday. According to the Dr., there is no damage to the optic nerve from the glaucoma. The cataracts are within the 20% - 40% which is at this point is no reason to have them removed. The only concern which isn’t a real concern is because of the wonky shape of my eye due to the near sightedness, can give a false narrative to a degenerative condition if someone exams me and is unaware of the condition. Thanks again for your prayers. But please keep praying that the Lord leads me discernment in my job situation and whether I continue to lead the Bible study at work. If I’m to continue to lead, guidance on how to interact with this person that is a Never Trumper. Thanks 🙏

2019-10-17 01:53:14 UTC

2019-10-17 02:10:24 UTC  

The bible says that if you will draw near unto God, He will draw near unto you

2019-10-17 02:55:51 UTC  

2 Corinthians 4:4 King James Version (KJV)

4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

2019-10-17 02:57:16 UTC  

Both correct statements .

2019-10-17 02:57:39 UTC

2019-10-17 03:12:08 UTC  

May we all learn to love each other the right way especially to those who do not know what love is nor have had it before and only know pain . May we give our hearts to them kindness and light and may they feel the difference between christian love and wordly nature. May we not punish those who know no better but bring them up with encouragement while guiding kindly. May we be the light on the darkness of the world that is guided by love because God is love. If anyone is in a relationship with an immature believer or non believer, may you love without expectations or conditions so that your partner can feel the truth of what love is and can accept the seeds you plant by knowing Gods love first hand . We tend to do opposite , punish, set harsh conditions and expectations on the ones we love then expect change to happen when only that makes the process harder for them to know God's love . We as people argue, we interrupt , we expect when we give , we punish through resentment , and more.... I pray we can be a blessing to people and not a burden and not hinder the works God has planned but do what God tells us to do , which one is to Love .

2019-10-17 03:29:15 UTC  

@patriotlady5 Hard lessons to learn and only accomplished through the Holy Spirit. Much prayer, much power. Little prayer, little power. No prayer, no power.

2019-10-17 22:18:33 UTC  

Please pray for me! I am in the ER with a lot of pain to my back and leg! Thanks you!

2019-10-18 00:06:49 UTC  

@sparky17 You have my utmost empathy. I pray the doctors do well for you. I pray Jesus healing touches you. I pray your faith rises to receive it.

2019-10-18 02:27:58 UTC  

@sparky17 I hope you are out of pain brother.

2019-10-18 02:28:03 UTC  


2019-10-18 04:09:50 UTC  

@Shadetree49 @clarion1 Thank you guys!

2019-10-18 13:04:15 UTC  

@sparky17 Just get well and remember your ABCs, Always Believe Christ

2019-10-18 13:59:56 UTC  

Thank you! @Shadetree49

2019-10-18 19:31:48 UTC  

@sparky17 what did the doctor say about the leg and side? I just read this, I recall you telling me about this and was using a ball.

2019-10-18 20:14:21 UTC  

@QuikWit I went to the ER because it got so painful yesterday I almost passed out three times. I got heat and cold flashes. The ER doctor gave me muscle relaxers, nerve meds, steroids, and a shot for inflammation. If this continues I need to have another MRI done on my lower back. Same area I have already had surgery!

2019-10-18 20:16:29 UTC  

@everyone after news blitz.. PLEASE get into pre-screening voice and join me and abe on air!!!!

2019-10-18 20:17:13 UTC  

what show is this sorry