Discord ID: 278027622641041409
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Ivanka Trump 2024
Arrested today
@wheredowegofromhereQLast Jesus never charged anyone for his words
Why would it stay so close to St. James Island?
The internet is a wonderful place... where you can indulge your wildest conspiracy theories... like the one about Pizza Pi being a front for Jeffrey Epstein. Come by and grab a couple of pies and we'll show you where we keep Jimmy Hoffa's body and the spot where Paul McCartney died in 1966.
@junem6566 That is an insult to the classic Mad Magazine they have a good reputation unlike you know who
Both Islands belong to Epstein why are we only looking into one?
Loaded tunneling equipment?
Nope they will loose the presidency by their own undoing
Straight out of china playbook regulate toilet paper
Help me with this video and do you believe the judgement the are passing on to people please help explain these Christians
Hope this storm stays clear of Hawaii
Took this pic on HWY 22 In PA 11-7-2016
Call your local rep and say no!!!!!!!!!! the 2nd amendment shall not be infringed.
Saw this while watching CBS on XFINITY wow what an insult
Saw this on CBS on Xfinity its an Insult to Sara Sanders
Gods work being revealed!
Why no report here?
I dislike ethanol based gas, I would rather have the farmer grow food then have it imported
POS Zach Vorhies said its confidential WTF!
He is a plant?
Zach Vorhies!
Red Pill news interviewed him and saying things that we already know to give himself credibility?
Zach Vorhies said its confidential WTF! whistle blowers are supposed to reveal the confidential info?
@Groot Yep
159 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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