Message from @🥕EagerCarrot1261🥕 (lub nuesuey)
Discord ID: 746468528122757230
it's all the same
anyway that's fine
Okay, well I’m not conservative socially so ig liberal then
yeah that'd make more sense
!!role @Novus Wojtek (rainbow’s ❤) democrat
Added **🌹 Democrat** to **Novus Wojtek (rainbow’s ❤)#7421**.
hi troll
Banned **🥕EagerCarrot1261🥕 (lub nuesuey)#2993**
Banned **Petite#5856**
15 Right wing populist,Trumpist,Partnership,
which partnership?
Virtual Congress
and what makes you prefer Trump?
!!role @showthem101 trumpist
Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **showthem101#1705**.
!!unban 638874547877314581
**🥕EagerCarrot1261🥕 (lub nuesuey)#2993** successfully unbanned.
1. over 13
2. independent
3. neutral or democrat
4. ian from vc told me about it in partnered servers
!!role @🥕EagerCarrot1261🥕 (lub nuesuey) democrat
Added **🌹 Democrat** to **🥕EagerCarrot1261🥕 (lub nuesuey)#2993**.
1 - I'm 14.
2 - I'm a constitutional monarchist
3 - I'm a Canadian, but I'd vote for Trump.
4 - I found the server on
@Samuel Garcia Elfonso why would you vote for trump if you could?
wtf my answer to your question didn't appear
I'll try again.
@Samuel Garcia Elfonso no need to
!!censor list
I'd vote for Trump because he doesn't support that black lives organization (to my knowledge), he's pro-gun, and he works against the riots.
@Samuel Garcia Elfonso would you mind changing nick name to something English
Should let you
Makes it easyer on moderators
To find and rank
I have a nickname on a different server. I just have to find it.
I can change it
What do you want it?
How about Gustaf Albrecht von Burkholder. You can just type Gustaf and you can probably find it in the search bar.