Message from @miserere
Discord ID: 746461949247619164
Why new account
I’m new to discord
@Novus Wojtek (rainbow’s ❤) do you support anarchy socialism or communism ?
what is your ideology?
Like I said I’m still thinking
i remember you. you picked mod left in another server
Maybe, I change every once and awhile
to what?
Well I tend to flow around a box from center left to more center right. Economicly
I tend to be more Constant in my social opinions
Carry on soz
which social opinions?
I’m more libertarian in that regard
Liberal or libertarian?
Hm, I would go wit libertarian
libertarians are basically Conservatives so I doubt that
No in the British sense
there's no "British sense"
anyway that's fine
Okay, well I’m not conservative socially so ig liberal then
yeah that'd make more sense
!!role @Novus Wojtek (rainbow’s ❤) democrat
Added **🌹 Democrat** to **Novus Wojtek (rainbow’s ❤)#7421**.
hi troll
Banned **🥕EagerCarrot1261🥕 (lub nuesuey)#2993**
Banned **Petite#5856**
15 Right wing populist,Trumpist,Partnership,
which partnership?
Virtual Congress
and what makes you prefer Trump?
!!role @showthem101 trumpist
Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **showthem101#1705**.
!!unban 638874547877314581
**🥕EagerCarrot1261🥕 (lub nuesuey)#2993** successfully unbanned.
1. over 13
2. independent
3. neutral or democrat
4. ian from vc told me about it in partnered servers