Message from @Carl-bot
Discord ID: 746464888360271922
Maybe, I change every once and awhile
to what?
Well I tend to flow around a box from center left to more center right. Economicly
I tend to be more Constant in my social opinions
Carry on soz
which social opinions?
I’m more libertarian in that regard
Liberal or libertarian?
Hm, I would go wit libertarian
libertarians are basically Conservatives so I doubt that
No in the British sense
there's no "British sense"
it's all the same
anyway that's fine
Okay, well I’m not conservative socially so ig liberal then
yeah that'd make more sense
!!role @Novus Wojtek (rainbow’s ❤) democrat
Added **🌹 Democrat** to **Novus Wojtek (rainbow’s ❤)#7421**.
hi troll
Banned **Petite#5856**
15 Right wing populist,Trumpist,Partnership,
which partnership?
Virtual Congress
and what makes you prefer Trump?
!!role @showthem101 trumpist
Added **🛡️ Trumpist** to **showthem101#1705**.
!!unban 638874547877314581
**🥕EagerCarrot1261🥕 (lub nuesuey)#2993** successfully unbanned.
1. over 13
2. independent
3. neutral or democrat
4. ian from vc told me about it in partnered servers
!!role @🥕EagerCarrot1261🥕 (lub nuesuey) democrat
Added **🌹 Democrat** to **🥕EagerCarrot1261🥕 (lub nuesuey)#2993**.
1 - I'm 14.
2 - I'm a constitutional monarchist
3 - I'm a Canadian, but I'd vote for Trump.
4 - I found the server on
@Samuel Garcia Elfonso why would you vote for trump if you could?
wtf my answer to your question didn't appear
I'll try again.
@Samuel Garcia Elfonso no need to