Message from @Karl XII

Discord ID: 541661423743270933

2019-02-03 15:51:33 UTC  

Those long-dead men are even today helping us fend off the disastrous worldwide consequences of Uranium 1. Not only was the US sold out through U1, but Russia was being set up to be the instigator of WWIII...when it was the cabal all along.

Uranium has a marker to identify where it originated from. Cabalists HRC & Obama pushed U1 through. A sample was delivered to Russia, supposedly through Robert Mueller. Cabal holds back a portion of the "Russian Uranium" - which later is use to detonate bomb(s) in America. Scientific analysis shows it is from Russia and BOOM - we are in WWIII with massive extermination of population in not just US & Russia, but with allies of each. Huge numbers are killed off and cabal has their Nirvana. For cabal to succeed, US & Russia (or China would do in a pinch) MUST fight each other - both are largest holders of nuclear weapons which is needed to destroy humanity. But the US population is stubbornly independent (refusing to give up our gun rights) and woke Russia has closed off its society in many ways - including no longer adopting out their children to be tortured & eaten by satanists. A roadblock for (((them))).

2019-02-03 15:51:39 UTC  

From Voat - QRV US citizens - fight harder than ever to never relinquish your right to keep and bear arms.

Citizens of other countries without gun rights - when this all is resolved, fight to the death if necessary (as our founders did) to obtain your rights to keep & bear arms. Don't fall for the false narrative that it makes a society less safe. That is cabal & media brainwashing. The US cities with highest gun deaths are all the ones with the strictest gun laws, due to law-abiding citizens giving up their guns while the criminals hold on to theirs - which is exactly what the cabal wants. Don't get complacent & think "it's all good now." Without being armed, you are easy prey for another generation of corrupt leaders.

LEARN FROM THIS LESSON, EVERYONE. LEARN FROM IT. The only way to fight a tyrannical government is through an armed populace. Just look to what is happening in France for evidence of this.

Much much gratitude to the Founding Fathers of America who understood this. Those men who fought off British rule had great foresight in wisely giving us our 2nd Amendment. Who could have imagined this would be so integral in saving not just the citizens of the US but citizens worldwide - almost 230 years later? Our Founding Fathers did. Thank you John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington.

(I left Alexander Hamilton off the list of 7 commonly considered to be America's Founders as there is work which indicates he was against our Bill of Rights - the repository of the 2nd Amendment. Hmmm, is it any wonder that (((they))) have promoted Hamilton into being a Broadway smash hit? If I am mistaken, my apologies, Mr. Hamilton. If I am correct, say hi to HRC & Obama when they join you soon.)


~ Thomas Jefferson

2019-02-03 15:55:19 UTC  

@Magnify ✝ Q 👉MAGA-KAG dont forget to always source your content,. if you are copy pasting from an article or site you need to link it.

2019-02-03 15:56:27 UTC  

@Deleted User - my bad... done

2019-02-03 15:56:37 UTC  

no worries. thank you

2019-02-03 16:13:19 UTC  
2019-02-03 16:37:06 UTC  

"Comedian" Sarah Silverman: Pro-Life Conscience Law Would Make Her "Want to Eat an Aborted Fetus" [Video] via @100percFEDUP

2019-02-03 16:47:31 UTC  
2019-02-03 16:48:09 UTC  


2019-02-03 16:48:49 UTC  


2019-02-03 16:48:53 UTC  

What doooo

2019-02-03 16:49:07 UTC  

I'm losing my mind, not much

2019-02-03 16:49:21 UTC  

You're loosing your mind?

2019-02-03 16:49:22 UTC  

over what

2019-02-03 16:49:31 UTC  

Some people are too damn difficult to talk to

2019-02-03 16:49:45 UTC

2019-02-03 16:49:53 UTC  

I agree @Karl XII

2019-02-03 16:51:07 UTC  

when it comes to certain questions, It appears I have to find the answer myself, because some people just say discouraging statements instead.

2019-02-03 16:51:37 UTC  

people revel in negativity

2019-02-03 16:51:55 UTC  

The statement Misery loves company is absolutely based in truth

2019-02-03 16:56:35 UTC

2019-02-03 16:56:35 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Baroness Machiavelli, you just advanced to 4 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2019-02-03 16:57:04 UTC  

@Mee6 Thank you!

2019-02-03 16:59:12 UTC  

@Baroness Machiavelli are you a real baronet?

2019-02-03 17:01:37 UTC  

@Karl XII No LOLOLZ, But I love to flatter myself 😉

2019-02-03 17:02:04 UTC  

lol just curious, I have a baronet ancestor far back

2019-02-03 17:02:30 UTC  

Oh, I see! Cool Beans!!

2019-02-03 17:02:58 UTC  

Im a princess