Message from @Anastasia Romanoff
Discord ID: 558254003419480074
MC: Limited Hangout
Please boycott Google and use alt search engines like duck duck go
When Sunny Gets Blown--song by Johnny Mathis?
im tellin u
*doesnt know who johnny mathis is ...but yes
they create a label for a potential adversary or victim, then claim a side
You have gained a rank @Cow Patty, you just advanced to 22 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
that boy will enjoy prison possibly
i will do some homework
this aint a game
just found this pic while looking this up
I have to go to work. See you guys and gals later~~
@Cow Patty Have a great day
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@Silowetr we are looking for someone to join @Page and myself in chapel to pray...
This I think is what the whole country needs which would help us didn't against those that it be.
Check out @realDonaldTrump’s Tweet:
Check out @realDonaldTrump’s Tweet:
Trump defends his twiiter usage👆
Trump has been a FBI informant since 1981 who helped bring down the Gabino crime family in N.Y.The FBI had tried for years to penetrate the five crime families of N.Y. What was needed to bring down the mafia/mob syndicates was by using legit wealty business men as a honeypot. Along with Trump, two of his children, Invanka and Jr., partnered with their father to create business deals with the mob. For many years it was rumered Trump had been part of the mafia syndicate. So why was'nt he brought to answer these questions? We would think Mueller would have discovered this amazing incrimitnating evidence. The left would have had POTUS impeached for obvious reasons. It will never happen because "The Storm" is made up of Trump and highly trained elite associates, Mueller, R. R. , Bar , Guliani, Q, NSA and F.B.I. This project put Trump and family in grave danger, however, this would not happen because the crime families where all brought down. There is much more details to bring to light but the coordination of events that brought down the mob by a billioner, real-estate mongul, Nationalist, POTUS, and informent. (o.k too tired to finish this piece.) Sources: Attorney General Bill Barr Decides to Keep DAG Rod Rosenstein in DOJ ‘A Little Longer’ The Gate Way Pundit, Nicodemo Scarfo Part 01 of 02
DOCUMENT PAGESF.B.I. Records: The Vault and ENDGAME : POTUS Trump's Vindication Nears by Ross Citizen Journalist.
good night @Nukklez! thank you for your prayers