Message from @Mee6

Discord ID: 559911619551821854

2019-03-26 01:25:03 UTC  


2019-03-26 01:25:08 UTC  

2 plus yeas

2019-03-26 01:25:12 UTC  

Whoohoo the same narrative using the same words <:PepePopcorn:539084298494410758>

2019-03-26 01:25:14 UTC  

200 plus years

2019-03-26 01:25:19 UTC  

More like it

2019-03-26 01:25:19 UTC  

It's a long list

2019-03-26 01:25:27 UTC

2019-03-26 01:25:39 UTC

2019-03-26 01:26:04 UTC  

Sock puppets <:PepePopcorn:539084298494410758>

2019-03-26 01:26:14 UTC  

Article III, section 3 of the U.S. Constitution: "Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." Treason requires overt acts and includes the giving of government security secrets to other countries, even if friendly, when the information could harm American security. Treason can include revealing to an antagonistic country secrets such as the design of a bomber being built by a private company for the Defense Department. Treason may include "espionage" (spying for a foreign power or doing damage to the operation of the government and its agencies, particularly those involved in security) but is separate and worse than "sedition," which involves a conspiracy to upset the operation of the government.

2019-03-26 01:26:24 UTC

2019-03-26 01:26:25 UTC  

It's going to take months just to list the perps names.

2019-03-26 01:27:21 UTC  

so you have members of house the senate,

2019-03-26 01:27:21 UTC  

Hannity just said it is an FBI flag pin

2019-03-26 01:27:22 UTC

2019-03-26 01:27:54 UTC  

who is going to ask the Q first?

2019-03-26 01:28:18 UTC

2019-03-26 01:28:18 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Ankel, you just advanced to 14 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2019-03-26 01:28:52 UTC  


2019-03-26 01:28:52 UTC  

You have gained a rank @evershed, you just advanced to 13 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2019-03-26 01:28:56 UTC  

@Ankel Cool pin from a rank and file agent.

2019-03-26 01:29:51 UTC  

If not for other logical thinkers standing alone. Sean said. ..........hmmmmmm

2019-03-26 01:30:12 UTC  

"Its all about to come cascading down".

2019-03-26 01:30:34 UTC  

you mean like "with a cloth"?

2019-03-26 01:31:35 UTC

2019-03-26 01:31:58 UTC  

Looks about right.

2019-03-26 01:32:01 UTC  

LL > tarmac > hillabilly > fraud > 🍿 popcorn: popcorn: oh my

2019-03-26 01:32:03 UTC  

A matter of treason

2019-03-26 01:32:33 UTC  

"Is" it a "matter" of treason

2019-03-26 01:32:44 UTC  

Hannity is laying it out

2019-03-26 01:32:49 UTC  

still listening

2019-03-26 01:33:07 UTC  

Me too, listening to Hannity... whoohooooo!!!!!

2019-03-26 01:33:37 UTC  

He's naming all the names.. yep.. another name.. I'd say...

2019-03-26 01:33:55 UTC

2019-03-26 01:33:59 UTC

2019-03-26 01:34:00 UTC  

I hope Fox puts this rant on YouTube so we can share it

2019-03-26 01:34:11 UTC  

the seriousness of his voice and face <:PepeComfy:539084299341922305>

2019-03-26 01:34:24 UTC  

Hannity just busted that one👆