Message from @thrill_house
Discord ID: 753639935277531226
Aryan kids @Snickers
Someone tell thrill house he's close to cucking
Love the part where Moses chucks the tablets at the golden calf and the calf explodes
I'll side with white liberals over Hispanic conservatives
My favorite movie is Drive
just had a 7 in a row winstreak as impostor in Among Us
ask me anything
with Ryan Gosling
good movie
Wooh my work VPN isnt working right now so i cant do any work
I get up
<:OMEGALUL:699994796764168242> <:OMEGALUL:699994796764168242> <:OMEGALUL:699994796764168242> <:OMEGALUL:699994796764168242> <:OMEGALUL:699994796764168242>
That’s funny as fuck
They still air Ten Commandments on tv every Easter
That's 2 too many monitors
Wtf tzaboo so epic
If those things fall on him, hes getting hurt
Crt monitors are heavy af
going to die being crushed to death by monitors
Yes but with universal health coverage we can rebuild him into the six million dollar man
Healthcare is all a scam
Nothing gets fixed and you get a giant bill
@blanco yeah medicine is a huge scam
@ejg Tradition is the way to go, continuing the legacy of Franco soon
how come every time a movie or videogame bombs they blame it on right wing trolls?
Reject modernity return to moneky
Speaking of monkey
What do y'all think of the theory of evolution?
Since my work VPN isnt working im gonna take a shit on company time
Probably on some level correct
don't care