Message from @SayberPhantom
Discord ID: 753728644626776125
almost time for third travis burger of the day
You win the scholarship automatically after consuming a total of 1 kilo of meth
If you complain about the service at McDonald's they might give you a complementary fourth travis burger for free
I ate the travis burger and immediately mastered autotune
i have played Monster Hunter:World for 23.6 hours
could really go for another travis scott burger rn
i am very advanced in Monster Hunter:World
Travis Scott just told me he's rapping on kakashi beats
when will mcdonalds release the tupac burger
>it's a fucking hologram
George Floyd burger
@🚂Quatroking🚂 (🇳🇱) @Kevin (amnat) why am i so powerful on Monster Hunter:World
@SmeegyTheReaper "it's breathtaking!"
why do i slay dragons with ease
@ncSTL because you are its only player
@ncSTL because it's a fucking shit game
kanye west chicken sandwich from chickfila soon
i would get it
the most hours i have on anything is like
Howdy my fellow humans
300 on morrowind
@ejg pretty rude reactions
ban @Tempest
banning you rn
Kevin is coping rn
when will they release the viper burger <:youllcowardsdontevensmokecrack:713097088258277467>
just coped
Why are these users reacting to my posts with negative emotes that represent feeble and weak willed individuals
@ejg stop spamming reactions. Now.
?cuck @Kevin (amnat)
just copped shit burger
piss shake