Message from @Josephine
Discord ID: 753737484738756672
fair enough
non-religious maybe, but I doubt he is anti religion
@Josephine "yeah uh, cornpop satan was a real bad dude. he did some bad stuff down at the garden up on the corner there. yeah uh. i like to think that sometimes adam ate that apple because he doesn't like black people. and you can take that to the bank, chief."
@Josephine if i said my name was biden would you let me sniff your hair
Tell 👏🏿 them 👏🏿 the 👏🏿 truth sis @Josephine
hate pedos
democrats are the real racists
hate pedo sympathizers
we all do
Biden is just awkward though
Hes not creepy
biden is senile
I am the real racist
explain this
right now
Biden just cringe
that looks pedo to me
holy fuck
biden is obviously a child murdering pedophile
who has split personality disorder
come back when your iq is nonnegative
911 whats your emergency
yeah i would like to kjgfa ofsmlxvvcl
Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids
nigga was monarch'd
hey guys, don't mind me. I'm just using discord in HDR.
how tf is that not creepy
The Travis Scott
he is giving CHILDREN unwanted physical contact
explain how that isn't creepy
His point is minorities tend to have it worse lol
wow so progressive