Message from @PUKKO_Desto
Discord ID: 753739223248535673
Thats not him being a pedophile thats literally just him being awkward with people theres a different
him saying things like "I love kids on my lap when I have no pants"
Stop being transphobic
if anyone else did that you'd probably think they were a pedo
Joesphine, did you watch the movie "Cuties"?
his campaign manager was john podesta too
<:cryingbugman:738000461386350653> n-no its different!
@Josephine slay qween
who is a pedophile
especially if Trump did it
Josephine what in the fuck are you talking about
@corporatist33 no and i dont want to
insolent fuck
bite finge
just took FOCUS FACTOR dietary supplement to improve memory, concentration, and focus!
spam video
that will change mind
XDXDXD libtards REKT
make america american again
Love joe biden
Siberian native haplogroup
Biden 2020
@PUKKO_Desto I'm telling you the guy is becoming senile so this must wear off whatever effects the cia torture which split his personality did
Biden 2030
Trump 2020
it's actually noted in monarchy split personality experiment literature
Hitler 2020
Trump broke like all his promises
Trans rights