Message from @Genie West

Discord ID: 440331714062057494

2018-04-30 01:38:51 UTC  

@Genie West I am in the woods. Put on night vision-,grabbed shotgun and headed out in the rain. My dog only goes to the bathroom in the woods. Has never gone in the lawn.

2018-04-30 01:39:28 UTC  

Did see an owl

2018-04-30 01:41:17 UTC  

@Deleted User There is a whole series- he is a great journalist. The ones on Syria are very informative.

2018-04-30 01:41:51 UTC  

@Deleted User , this video scares the beejeeus out of me.

2018-04-30 01:44:30 UTC  

@Deleted User ,that is so funny. I wear night vision if I have to go out at night. We plant corn close to the house, and my Goldie gets lost at times. Lol. I would croak if I saw a porcupine.

2018-04-30 01:44:30 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Genie West, you just advanced to 16 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-04-30 01:44:50 UTC  

Hey- I try to give y'all good research. Very scary indeed @Genie West @Deleted User

2018-04-30 01:46:34 UTC  

@Deleted User , I am beginning to think someone is trying to drag us into a war.

2018-04-30 01:48:14 UTC  

Israel’s Direct Connection to the JFK Assassination – The Millennium Report

2018-04-30 01:48:36 UTC  

yes big time that's what the want, the goal in all white papers for a long time

2018-04-30 01:49:39 UTC  

no all but saying many white papers published

2018-04-30 01:50:13 UTC  

@Genie West That is what the Iron Mountain Report is about. Peace is not profitable war is.

2018-04-30 01:50:26 UTC  

I sent that yesterday

2018-04-30 01:53:31 UTC  

I will settle down to read it in peace tomorrow. Will be here alone most of the day while the men plant cotton. Thought I smelled a Rothschild in here.

2018-04-30 01:54:59 UTC  

@Deleted User , I saved it in my pdf files. I just want to spit nails because it all boils down to money...every dad blamed time.

2018-04-30 01:58:12 UTC  

the LOVE of money is the root of all evil

2018-04-30 01:58:20 UTC  

It is amazing the info that is out there.

2018-04-30 01:58:56 UTC  

@Deleted User Yes indeed.

2018-04-30 02:00:00 UTC  

@Deleted User , what is so dumbfounding is that this info is not shared with the public. We have the least informed nation ever.

2018-04-30 02:01:01 UTC  

@Deleted User, you nailed it. I have never had any money to love, but I would never start a war to get any, either.

2018-04-30 02:01:26 UTC  

Welcome to Common Core. I have known some things for years. But the plan is to dumb down generations intentionally

2018-04-30 02:03:27 UTC  

When I was 8 I wrote a book report on how the Brooklyn Bridge was built. Had to explain what the bends were.

2018-04-30 02:04:01 UTC  

The perks of being an only child

2018-04-30 02:05:08 UTC  

@Genie West I agree with you as well, conditioned us to be slaves to money no reason for it, I was more depressed and stressed anytime on my life when I was chasing the mighty dollar.

2018-04-30 02:05:14 UTC  

@Deleted User , I wish I weren’t too old to teach again....I would not lie to my students. Would probably get fired. One thing for sure, the kids I taught in private school know more than those in the public school. I was free to teach what I called living history....but I was unaware of the connections of all presidents to this mess. I will be setting my grandson down when he is a wee bit older, and school him on what is really going on.

2018-04-30 02:06:06 UTC  

Good for you!

2018-04-30 02:08:18 UTC  

Now@richerio, the government is seeking to turn the younger people into useful idiots, and throw us old people away. One question...Hillary is a year older than I am. How could she justify what she would do to us aging Americans. I pray Trump is protected and can clean the swamp. He is our last bastion of hope.

2018-04-30 02:08:45 UTC  

Hey everyone!!! How are all you Patriots tonight?

2018-04-30 02:09:35 UTC  
2018-04-30 02:09:58 UTC  

@STEREO_OERETS[TAC1] , we are fired up over the bombings. Very angry.😡😡😡😡😡

2018-04-30 02:11:02 UTC  

Yeah 😒 I personally expected it to happen and Israel isn’t going to stop.

2018-04-30 02:11:39 UTC  

sigh........ agree, this is bad

2018-04-30 02:12:02 UTC  

What do you all think about NK and SK going through what they are doing

2018-04-30 02:13:38 UTC  

Do you think it is a good or bad thing? I know Q sees it as a good thing but I differ in opinion on that

2018-04-30 02:13:48 UTC  

Historic, NK & SK , God has to many souls to save before the harvest, people been dominated for may years

2018-04-30 02:13:58 UTC  

@STEREO_OERETS[TAC1] , I like it. There is much to be learned about that situation yet to come, but I am pleased it is happening. Then Israel has to go interfere somewhere else. Yikes.

2018-04-30 02:14:18 UTC  

all war is a bad thing but can be a necessary evil

2018-04-30 02:15:04 UTC  

Ok here is why I think it is bad and this is just a start of my issues with it.

2018-04-30 02:15:29 UTC  

#1 what happens when NK and SK become one who’s going to rule???

2018-04-30 02:15:56 UTC  

Who’s in charge when that happens and the become unified???