Message from @Thunderwolf
Discord ID: 440365327709110272
Apr 29 2018 22:25:24 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 038c68 1242619 NEW
Do you believe in coincidences?
Autists on fire!
Do you believe in coincidences?
Think recent Mueller drops.
Think private comms.
They fall for it every single time.
Watch what happens.
Apr 29 2018 22:29:50 (EST) Anonymous ID: 038c68 1242682 NEW
R = 18.
Apr 29 2018 22:30:19 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 038c68 1242689 NEW
New Q
What do you guys think....??
@Coach Clay listening to private coms for sure beyond that not a 100% sure but feel more clarity may be coming.
oh wow, that would intense
Future Proves Past, Alicei. Wonderland
MSM is going to go down, and about time
what's the convo that keeps coming up with Obama in Jordan ??? , anybody have any info on this
I couldn't that out of the Q posts
I dont think thats from any Q post, I believe its other intel from people here
ok ty
ARE my post coming through
ok go to q's last post
click to go to anons convo's
its all there
@Crystal yes hello
R is being taken out in jordan near moab
theres yer moab
Somebody has a troll hate on for Pam
I took it that was as well
New Q
test i have to confirm my password email and well i'm not sure where i wrote it down
no experience in this program but i will get it, thanks for all you do, ALL PATRIOTS
You have gained a rank @Deleted User, you just advanced to 9 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!