Message from @Captin Underdrawls
Discord ID: 440585440735526933
You have gained a rank @Sacalait, you just advanced to 2 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
Funny that now MSM is all over the Korean leaders meeting thing.
@Deleted User Israel may have used a Tactical Nuke that was provided by or launched with Saudi Israel complicity in Syria on Iranian Targets because of the alleged Assassination of MBS of M. bin Salman the Crown Prince who has not bee seen in public for a few days following the alleged drone attack in Riyadh.
So if Pompeo delivered these goods to Bibi, why are we being led down that path... simply to defend the strikes that have been part of the narrative? So that Israel can stretch its legs?
o i c
I will send you the plan
I wonder where Valerie Jarrett is today.
notice this story is circulating... but it's about his visit LAST MONTH
he's bunkered down probably in Vegas
Did the Saudi's help deliver Bibi's proofs?
A new world order is forming against the old.
Inspecters: is that everything? Iran: that's everything we have in the whole country... compliance
we need to know if a nuke was in the arsenal or a nuke was shot at it. If escalation can or cant be justified will mean everything.
both easily in the realm of possiblity in my option Mossed would find the stash eventully.
Mossaud is mixed up in the hunt for the nuke in Sum of All Fears movie too
@Dani Clarke Is that source reliable? If so, it is quite a rabbit hole including Obama planning to legalize a bunch of sexual perversions.
@Deleted User Sorry- I have a server for research only but didn't want to post a 100 page doc. Read the three wars in the document.
@Deleted User I will read that document, too. Thank you.
@Deleted User I have tried hard to confirm the legitimacy of that Manzinni / Pike letter
but they seem to be following the plan reguardless
@Sara Great. I confirmed it when I lived in Europe. Was there for 10 years and knew a professor.
please tell us more
this is huge @Deleted User
I absolutely believe we dropped rods from god on the NK site and cause the collapse. It can create earthquakes. Follow the geology... I think we'll see an earthquake take out Iran's secret facilities before dawn some day.
it takes time to position the satellites tho...
CIA is mixed all up in this ... Elon Musk & his satellites
you need one of those murderboards to keep up with all the ties... that's why Q has been valuable... lots of anons have a piece of the puzzle... assembly required
Have you seen Maltego @Deleted User ?