Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 440594005584248843

2018-04-30 19:15:39 UTC  

So, what is Bibi Netanyahu's ultimate agenda?

2018-04-30 19:15:54 UTC  

I don't know. I have not read Pike's original piece. But if Moving Robe checked it out in Italy, I tend to give it more credence to being close to the original.

2018-04-30 19:16:22 UTC  

owning the promised land of course @Deleted User

2018-04-30 19:16:29 UTC  

@Sara I predict that an earthquake will happen before Bibi fires

2018-04-30 19:16:33 UTC  

@Sara Imagine the evil one orchestrating a biblical Armageddon? That is the final plan!

2018-04-30 19:16:45 UTC  

Promised by whom?

2018-04-30 19:17:11 UTC  

Hebrew God

2018-04-30 19:17:50 UTC  

Have you read Albert Pike's book?

2018-04-30 19:17:55 UTC  

And the Christian God.

2018-04-30 19:18:03 UTC  

I just dropped a Twitter thread in <#435884183085252618> for @HeshmatAlavi, info re Iran/Syria nuclear efforts.

2018-04-30 19:18:04 UTC  


2018-04-30 19:18:49 UTC  

Assad is to Russia as Kim is to China

2018-04-30 19:18:53 UTC  

@Deleted User No, just excerpts related to the Masonic dogma

2018-04-30 19:18:56 UTC  

an asset / and a liability

2018-04-30 19:20:24 UTC  

The Masons do a good job of debunking the Pike Luciferian connection in their propaganda

2018-04-30 19:20:28 UTC  

@It is in his book

2018-04-30 19:20:38 UTC  

oh, hmmm

2018-04-30 19:23:16 UTC  

Create term length (4-8-etc yrs) and limit renewals to 2. No octogenarians on SC!!

2018-04-30 19:23:17 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Deleted User, you just advanced to 1 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-04-30 19:24:09 UTC  

How can GOD be of one or two religions and faiths only?

2018-04-30 19:24:22 UTC  

GOD must be for ALL men and WOMEN and creatures alike, right?

2018-04-30 19:25:01 UTC  

What is Stein hiding?????

2018-04-30 19:25:11 UTC  

Forgot I had this

2018-04-30 19:25:30 UTC  

@Sara Stein who?

2018-04-30 19:26:14 UTC  

Depends on the meaning of the word God, If you mean Creator of the Universe then yes. but if you mean the "Elohim" who got to geather and re-created "man" with their own DNA added then perhaps not @Deleted User

2018-04-30 19:27:05 UTC  

I guess you missed the post on far lefty Jill Stein refusing to cooperate with the Judicial committee that she turn over all Russian documents from her campaign. She said no. I wondered what is she hiding.

2018-04-30 19:27:37 UTC  

BRB. An errand to run.

2018-04-30 19:29:04 UTC  

@Deleted User I read the Pike pages you sent. Very interesting stuff. Let me say that I believe there is a lot of truth in there. What I see in the world around me is the belief that Luciferianism is a better choice than Christianity. What I believe that means is that the churches are so corrupted that very little light can be felt there. What I view as Luciferian though is the choice of safety over freedom. Lucifier's plan was to bring EVERYONE back while Christ's plan was to allow for free agency...and some would be lost. In government and in self-directed choices, peoples around the world (and I do mean peoples) are choosing the blue pill of a happy silly existence as long as there are no responsibilities for how they get it.... they don't WANT to know the truth. They want a shepherd...they seek a leader to TELL THEM what to do. You see this in Hollywood; hell, you see it right here with Q. People are looking for a leader to save them. What we MUST do is realize that WE are the answer. Each one of us bears the mantle of responsibility for ourselves and the life around us. The whole point of life is to prove ourselves, and then above and beyond what we can do... we pray Christ will help us bridge the gap. That's what I believe.

2018-04-30 19:29:04 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Deleted User, you just advanced to 6 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-04-30 19:30:07 UTC  

Right, but wasn't Christ refered to as the lucifer as well?

2018-04-30 19:30:08 UTC  

You have gained a rank @foilhat, you just advanced to 5 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-04-30 19:30:20 UTC  

There's only ONE CREATOR of the entire COSMOS, that is TIME---

2018-04-30 19:30:27 UTC  

SPACE is the Created

2018-04-30 19:30:42 UTC  

Time is the Creative Energy, while SPACE is the created energy

2018-04-30 19:30:51 UTC  

and we, the variables are the "Creation Energy"

2018-04-30 19:31:14 UTC  

Lucifer can appear even as an angel of light... many will be mis-led