Message from @Luchadora

Discord ID: 445181051174780938

2018-05-13 06:40:01 UTC  

lol they took nsa page down

2018-05-13 06:40:31 UTC  

nsaction was shorthand. not a real domain name.

2018-05-13 06:40:38 UTC  


2018-05-13 06:40:43 UTC  

i'm lazy πŸ˜‰

2018-05-13 06:42:51 UTC  

Tony Blinken is the director of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement and a Co-Founder of WestExec Advisors.

2018-05-13 06:43:17 UTC  
2018-05-13 06:44:51 UTC  

Okay, I just want to throw my 2 cents into the fray...We the people were created to be sentient beings. This means we each have the God given ability to think through problems like finding/obtaining food, building shelter, making fire, etc...We are capable of creating, learning, and reasoning. As thinking, feeling, and intelligent beings we have learned how to fight for our families (war), use resources to strengthen our bodies and minds and create societies and religions that enforce agreed upon laws in order to grow in strength and numbers. We are capable of so much good and so much evil. As children of God none of us is perfect. Look at the Angelic wars and see how the incorruptible became corrupted by the belief that some knew better than God. Those who follow in the Corrupted Angels and Archangels footsteps have never been able to look at their own actions and never took responsibility for their actions upon themselves. We all need to take a step back and look at our own actions and deeds. Did we espouse our thoughts and feelings to others knowing that what we were saying was merely opinion without having done our due diligence to make sure what we speak is truth? While our thoughts and opinions are important, are they backed up with facts? So, take a deep breath and use the gifts God gave us, where we use our brains and morals to figure out what is truth and what are lies. Just saying...

2018-05-13 06:47:14 UTC  

This is a speculative community, searching for facts.

2018-05-13 06:48:01 UTC  


2018-05-13 06:53:03 UTC  
2018-05-13 06:55:41 UTC  

Q !4pRcUA0lBE 05/13/18 (Sun) 02:54:08 390b3e No.1394124>>1394131 >>1394133 >>1394134

Trust must be earned.
Trust is not blind, nor is truth.
We fight every sigle day on behalf of you, the people who put us here.
We knew this day would come.
We will never forget.
Do not glorify us.
We are merely the vehicle.
You are what matters.
You are hope.
You are love.
You are peace.
Stay united.
Stay together.
Stay strong.
This is bigger than any one person or entity.
You are fighting for truth - collectively.
Will of the people.
Trust in yourself.
The choice will always be yours.
God bless you all.
Where we go one, we go ALL.

2018-05-13 06:57:17 UTC

2018-05-13 08:18:59 UTC  

lol, i'm loving that one of the BV's and BO are going ham on the shills tonight

2018-05-13 08:19:15 UTC  

press F to pay respects to r/fatpeoplestories

2018-05-13 11:10:33 UTC  

I love seeing all the great Anons' responses to Q in the research boards. Heartwarming and Patriotic, gotta love it! 😊

2018-05-13 11:10:33 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Luchadora, you just advanced to 5 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-05-13 11:11:11 UTC  

Thank you, @Mee6 ! πŸ˜ƒ

2018-05-13 11:21:59 UTC  

Yeah I like seeing their responses too... and hello @Luchadora πŸ˜ƒ

2018-05-13 11:23:14 UTC  

WW3 ALERT: Israel’s Death Wish and Fake Armageddon – The Millennium Report

2018-05-13 11:36:24 UTC  

Hiya, @Nightring, great to see you! πŸ˜ƒ

2018-05-13 11:38:08 UTC  


2018-05-13 11:39:12 UTC  

Grabbin Coffee... BRB

2018-05-13 12:06:53 UTC  

Companies associated with NXIVM .........

2018-05-13 12:09:38 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Nightring, you just advanced to 4 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-05-13 12:16:19 UTC  

Updated April 13th posted April 13th No year given... I assume it is this year...

2018-05-13 12:20:56 UTC  

Will be interesting to see how many countries in Europe and Asia go against us here in America on this...

2018-05-13 12:46:05 UTC

2018-05-13 12:48:31 UTC  

Hear me out here... If you were behind enemy lines in a war, you would use enemy weapons against the enemy wouldn't you??? Especially if the enemy left em laying around in places easy to access right??? So all this bantering back and forth about AJ, Corsi, Q, and whoever else comes up in the future is pretty irrelevant in our own little foxholes each moment during a firefight, and through the whole war to be honest.... Keep the memes rolling... Peruse the boards for good stuff you can use to fight the enemy.... Just remember not to waste ammo firing at Q, AJ, Corsi, and whoever comes up in the future as questionable or untrustworthy... Your enemy is the deep state as they like to call themselves... In reality they are just bureaucrats who were just as hated in the 1970's as they are today... The unelected officials who think they are gods and can do whatever they want.... THEY are your enemy... Dont waste too much time and effort on the rest... Because that is what it is when ya do... A waste of time and effort that you could have used to blast screenshots and memes harmful to the deepstate if ya hadn't of been pulled out of the battle by the multiple factions that are trying to gain your trust and therefore and thereby some measure of control of you... I hope this helps... Be wary of those who fall into this bickering too... Some of em are not really confused at all... They are deep state operatives sowing discord... Pardon the pun πŸ˜ƒ