Message from @LadyTigrrr

Discord ID: 448311021241761803

2018-05-22 01:45:15 UTC  

@Badgergirl Flynn Jr sounds a lot like Q

2018-05-22 01:45:32 UTC  

He won't make the general... he's not polling well enough to win one of the only 2 spots allowed... so its Cox and Newsom or Newsom and one of the other 11 dems running.

2018-05-22 02:01:22 UTC  

@Evilanne He definitely sounds like he can finally breathe. Tweets are much less tempered. Bolder. I LOVE it. That poor damn family has been through so much BS. I will be so glad when we can restore General Flynn's honor and make those miserable's at the Washington Compost, Failing New York Times and FakeNews CNN eat their words.

2018-05-22 02:12:39 UTC  

@Badgergirl @Evilanne Yep, I like Flynn JR, I recall seeing him live at an event where he was asked about his Dad. What he said pretty much got me to think that his dad was laying low in order to come back and fight later.

2018-05-22 02:13:38 UTC  
2018-05-22 02:14:19 UTC  

Yeah I'm pretty sure it's how it'll go, even more sure than I am about Q things 😄

2018-05-22 02:16:25 UTC  

@c anon That request for special counsel is not o.k. So sick and tired of lawyers that I could spit nails. Doesn't anybody shoot from the hip anymore? Why don't they yank them out by their shirt collars and prosecute them now? 😦

2018-05-22 02:17:57 UTC  

I'd even settle for a "Z" if GenFlynn got to use his sword!!! lol

2018-05-22 02:19:01 UTC  

The missing 13th Amendment comes to mind, where our Founding Fathers didn't want lawyers to be in our government.

2018-05-22 02:19:58 UTC  

Looks like next in line currently is Robert J. Higdon, Jr for Acting AG if RR falls out of the picture for any reason

2018-05-22 02:20:36 UTC  

1. Jesse Panuccio is the [Acting] Associate Attorney General of the US,

(a) Tracy Doherty-McCormick [Acting] U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia

(b) Robert J. Higdon, Jr. United States Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina

(c) Erin Nealy Cox was sworn in as the United States Attorney for the Northern District of Texas on November 17, 2017.
Based on EO

2018-05-22 02:27:56 UTC  

I swear the live chat on you tube - they talk and talk and pay no attention to the important stuff lol

2018-05-22 02:28:25 UTC  

Who is housing items for HRC ?
What major store is it?
What is it they are holding?
What is her plan? I know the answers.... Anyone want to take a shot before I tell?

2018-05-22 02:28:50 UTC  

23 = 23rd EO follow the pen, fed vacancies reform act has provision that will make timing perfect to put trump in place to appt someone during senate time off -

2018-05-22 02:30:41 UTC  

One more ABSOLUTELY fantastic bit of information to add to this - KARMA at its best - the Federal Vacancies Reform Act of 1998 - West Virginia Senator Robert Byrd was the only Democrat voting in favor. President Clinton signed the bill as part of an omnibus. KARMA!

2018-05-22 02:31:05 UTC  

Y’all were wondering why Q mentions JFK? Code is “The Killing” meaning someone just got JFKd. Your welcome 🙏

2018-05-22 02:31:56 UTC  

General Kelly in this case

2018-05-22 02:31:59 UTC  

John F Kelly

2018-05-22 02:32:03 UTC  

WH chief of Staff

2018-05-22 02:32:26 UTC  

but I wonder about the Military OP {Green}

2018-05-22 02:32:53 UTC  

YouTube chat has many trolls, it moves too fast. God bless those who have to deal with them, lol.

2018-05-22 02:32:58 UTC  

Also.... who does the director of CIA report to? Joint chief of staff. Mattis. Can we trust Mattis? 😳🍿

2018-05-22 02:33:13 UTC  

I think Mattis is one of the ones in charge of the Q operation, honestly.

2018-05-22 02:33:14 UTC  

You have gained a rank @LadyTigrrr, you just advanced to 7 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-05-22 02:33:32 UTC  

I think he has put up with the BS for long enough and he is ready to clean it out.

2018-05-22 02:33:42 UTC  

Green!?! Shit! Uggggg was mentioned but I didn’t pay attention. 😳

2018-05-22 02:35:43 UTC  

I wonder if it is Jay Sek-Q-low

2018-05-22 02:35:47 UTC  

They are wondering if he can be trusted. Many Republicans are turning bad for the money. We need to change the monitory system. Must be able to account for money in order to replace it.

2018-05-22 02:36:06 UTC  


2018-05-22 02:36:08 UTC  

I am wondering if the Military OP has something to do with the POTUS schedule for Wednesday and the no fly zone over NYC

2018-05-22 02:36:23 UTC  


2018-05-22 02:36:35 UTC  

Gold standard or crypto based. Both would be best.