Message from @Luchadora

Discord ID: 449363568425566210

2018-05-24 23:40:39 UTC  

The problem is, if a precident is set, when Trump is gone our kids could suffer enormously under a Killary type...

2018-05-24 23:41:37 UTC  

So yeah... until asked, the president needs to let the locals handle it... If it gets so big it is a national security issue, then the president can step in

2018-05-24 23:42:22 UTC  

Otherwise, the president needs to let the governor handle it until the governor asks the president for help

2018-05-24 23:43:08 UTC  

So Mayor asks governor for help, then if the governor cant handle it, the governor asks POTUS for help

2018-05-24 23:43:16 UTC  

Chain of command

2018-05-24 23:43:36 UTC  

Well, I've seen what the governor of California has done to my home state and I asked POTUS to send in the troops a while back.

2018-05-24 23:44:21 UTC  

The President CAN use the bully pulpit he has though to get people around the world focused on the mayor ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-05-24 23:45:25 UTC  

True. Still, though, I'd like to see more action. You should see what's happened here, and it's not as bad as Chicago, but it's bad in different ways.

2018-05-24 23:45:25 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Luchadora, you just advanced to 13 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-05-24 23:49:36 UTC  

My sister and I were in a homeless shelter in San Diego years ago. I was blessed to be able to move into a permanent apartment, and she was too, but she's back there now. That shelter was really good before; it helped people, was a sober environment. Now, they allow people to be drunk, high, they have dogs in the dorms that urinate and poop, and even in the cafeteria. People shooting up drugs with security guards there. I imagine that's how San Francisco got so bad, and Los Angeles. I always saw San Diego as somewhat more conservative, but this bugs me. There comes a time when the governor of a state is the problem, along with his cohorts, and the federal government should get involved in a huge way. And it's largely because illegal aliens are taking away resources that should be for legal citizens, and it's not confined to border states.

2018-05-24 23:51:27 UTC

2018-05-25 00:00:27 UTC  

Facebook won't offer compensation over Cambridge Analyticaย data breach via

2018-05-25 00:01:17 UTC  

@Luchadora I understand... Completely... I have been asking for redress for a long time now, and Nothing... Nada... Zilch... Zero... Zip from Congress for righting the wrongs They imposed on us all with their wicked laws... Now we finally have a chance with Trump to get some real change... All the Congressmen are leaving.... The ones that caused the mess are toast... But Im with you... If this doesn't get it done, then it's time for drastic measures against the corrupt assholes in office...

2018-05-25 00:01:48 UTC  

So if this doesn't do it, sure, let the POTUS send in the troops...

2018-05-25 00:01:49 UTC  

Haters all in a fluff over presence of Emmett Flood. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

2018-05-25 00:02:30 UTC  

@Nightring Indeed.

2018-05-25 00:08:17 UTC  

Snoop Dogg says Kanye West is 'missing a black woman in his life' via

2018-05-25 00:08:56 UTC  

SAG considers stripping Morgan Freeman of lifetime achievement award via

2018-05-25 00:10:23 UTC  

@Dani Clarke Snoop Dogg needs to be in the doghouse, lol.

2018-05-25 00:15:28 UTC  

I gotta run... Later Taters... Keep up the good fight...

2018-05-25 00:17:16 UTC  

@Nightring Enjoy your night, God bless! ๐Ÿ˜Š

2018-05-25 00:33:19 UTC  

Tucker fails on so many levels!

2018-05-25 00:34:13 UTC  

He is nothing more than a platform for the left. Quit giving them air time !!!

2018-05-25 00:36:13 UTC  

@Sacalait Perhaps Tucker is like Stealth Jeff, giving them enough rope to hang themselves while keeping notes for further action or deportation?

2018-05-25 00:47:10 UTC  


2018-05-25 01:05:25 UTC  

During Trump's recent speech about North Korea, I noticed Pence's eyes. He seemed to be looking at one person, maybe, and nodded at one point. I still hope he's a good guy, dang it.

2018-05-25 01:17:31 UTC  

Say WHAT? wtf ๐Ÿ˜ฆ