Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 450834287982280706 a rouge state that has a death wise nukes?? more deep state strangle hold on a world of peaceful times
Does anyone else feel like they're in a MARVEL movie?
QAnon on the Rothschild, Saudi & Soros Puppet Masters behind the Deep State, by Dr Michael Salla, April 21, 2018
God v evil
can anybody identify the icon on this T-shirt?
Insiders Reveal Secrets of Underground Military & Corporate Bases with Futuristic Technologies, by Dr Michael Salla , 5/24/2018,
Is that some gaming icon?
I don't know... Peter Hook was wearing it at the concert in Atlanta last night. I never could make out what it was... and then it threw it into the audience at the end of the perfformance.
@Deleted User a butterfly seems like a pedo symbol
I think it's an ant or a skull with antennae... cannot decide; cannot find any reference... may be something local to Manchester
Remember Peter Pan loved kids
It's kind of shaped like E.T. or maybe a skull wearing 3-D glasses
Learning what we are learning I wouldn’t put anything pass Disney
The shape looked like a butterfly couldn’t see details
New financial crisis likely as Western civil war intensifies in Washington D.C., Europe, Brazil and elsewhere, by Benjamin Fulford, 5/29/2018 (Benjamin lives in Japan)
Not sure myself @Deleted User I try to find and wear with no logos...
clothes with no logos*
It looks like one of mascarade type mask like the ones we wer shown at these baddd parties
checking out the new Fahrenheit 451... looks like they've muddled it a bit to fit the new antifascist/fascist inversion
I thought Peter Pan was Disney my bad I’m showing my age forgive me
it does a bit @retiredDep
Going AFK for a bit.
Peter Pan = Disney ... Peter Hook = bass guitarist
Oh makes sense lol
Why are we trying to figure out this T shirt?????
Hope everyone had a chance to do some Memorial Day honors today. There were many people flying colors here and showing respect. Arlington service online was great too.
no reason @AmericanWoman ... sorry, off-topic
When I was a teen my concerts were Rolling Stones, Alice Cooper, Stevie Wonder, Moody Blues, Santana etc like in the seventies
good stuff sir
(i assume)
Assume wrong lol
I beg your pardon
I hope you aren't in California
It’s ok lol
Misgendering is a capital offense
Shame shame pc
@back in the woods Does that stand for Retired Deputy???
Nope left there around the same time back east now