Message from @retiredDep
Discord ID: 450837808559423488
@retiredDep I set up a new snooker table for a rolling stones concert, did you know they play up to 6 hours before they get on stage?
I don’t know how yet still learning , I happy I got this far lol
it's the cog... and ... welcome
No when I saw them Stevie Wonder was their warm up before they played
TY for the info
sounds like a great show
I looked in that wheel thing can’t find where or how to change it
That’s the truth Nightring
These Are Real Pentagon Reports On Warp Drive, Extra Dimensions, Anti-Gravity, And More, MAY 26, 2018, by Tyler Rogoway and Joseph Trevithick,
No it’s not going to be easy they are not going to give up power that simple
OMG... you Aaaaaaaagggghhhh
You need to learn how to handle old books!!!
And you dont ruin the binder even more by opening it up flat either!!!!!
The book is so brittle, careful Pam
and here I am watching the updated 451... what are YOU watching? (BTW: the setup is... different types of books were banned because they were offensive to subgroups until everything was offensives, so they all burn [except the Bible, an instruction manual, and Moby Dick]) .. hmmm.. okay.
The livestream... a couple of hundred year old Bible I believe...
9/10 I'm watching the livestream while I'm in here... I guess I should be in 'off-topic' by myself.
later taters
The history in that book
What /who is Pam reading
I have a similar vintage family bible sitting next to me. I take comfort from it.
That's our Debt...$20Trillion
Where is our money Pentagon?
That money would pay the debt.
Can someone explain : Why does HRC want to destroy USA? She's from here, this is her home. I don't get it??????
Money and demons
Money and power evil power
I haven't had a TV for years.
How much money do ya need???
Not into "programs" lol
I still don't get it. Little grandkids will have to live hear...after she destroys it????