Message from @retiredDep

Discord ID: 451475591057637396

2018-05-30 19:52:29 UTC  

There are a lot of them. Just do a search on North Korea

2018-05-30 19:53:06 UTC  

The women traffic cops are pretty cool.

2018-05-30 19:53:27 UTC  

The problem with the "Threatened" line of reasoning is this... It leaves you no-where to go but that the entire nations police and military are so corrupt, that there is no possible hope for Trump either... Trey Gowdy has access to military commanders, Police Commanders, and IC commanders... And yet the threats cant be countered with getting the good guys to protect you??? I call BS!!!!! BS Big Time on the Threatened Theories...

2018-05-30 19:54:06 UTC  

It's the rest of NK you don't see that is horrifying, I'm sure. Prison camps, poverty, starvation. Those are reports anyway.

2018-05-30 19:54:07 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Terry Q, you just advanced to 3 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-05-30 19:54:14 UTC  

@Nightring that makes sense

2018-05-30 19:54:18 UTC  

An excerpt from Billy Graham's autobiography about North Korea; I just finished the book, it's great: Pyongyang itself was a surprise - one of the most beautiful large cities I have ever visited overseas. .. I will never be able to think of North Korea without having a mental image of large numbers of people vigorously walking, both in the city and in the countryside. The capital city had efficient public transportation, including a deeply buried subway system with magnificent mosaics. and chandeliers

2018-05-30 19:54:38 UTC  

There are two areas of mass building projects, this one above is the coastal devolpment, the other area was close to the mountain area that is close to Kims grand fathers birth place

2018-05-30 19:56:13 UTC  

@Kiwi61Karma maybe Kim wants to let the world and share his country and cut the chains. Kim loves Western culture so that would make sense

2018-05-30 19:56:56 UTC  

Another excerpt: Because the city had to be rebuilt from scratch, all the buildings were relatively new. Unlike many of the cities in other Communist countries we had visited, careful attention had been given to imaginative architecture, wide boulevards, and inviting public parks, and maintenance was clearly a priority.

2018-05-30 19:57:49 UTC  

@Luchadora sounds like OZ

2018-05-30 19:57:57 UTC  

@Nightring I don't believe that. The DOJ now, for the most part is probably cleaned up. It has to be to move forward with any prosecutions of higher ups. How do you counter? Even with all the available law enforcement. Law enforcement cant prosecute. Only the DOJ can prosecute Federal crimes. The courts were filled with Obama cronies. Trump has just recently gotten hoardes of judges into seats to defend the constitution instead of the ones that were there defending corruption.

2018-05-30 19:58:50 UTC  

@retiredDep I imagine the clowns wanted their capital city to be nice and comfy.

2018-05-30 19:59:08 UTC  

@Terry Q I understand that... But this theory of Congress members being Threatened is either BS, or makes them Cowards...

2018-05-30 19:59:30 UTC  

@Luchadora maybe Kim only saw the good cities

2018-05-30 20:00:06 UTC  

@retiredDep It's all an illusion in NK. The people who go there see what they are allowed to see, nothing more.

2018-05-30 20:00:48 UTC  

@Terry Q Occams Razor says these men and women in Congress are willingly in on the bad stuff... Just sayin...

2018-05-30 20:01:38 UTC  

@Terry Q I believe that clowns are smart, with all the money and tech we gave them their pockets are never empty

2018-05-30 20:01:40 UTC  

@Nightring Yep. The moral of the story is to live a life where you don't have to be worried about being blackmailed for anything.

2018-05-30 20:01:44 UTC  

@Nightring I think we shall see whether TG is a coward or not.

2018-05-30 20:02:48 UTC  

We need a good guy / bad guy board

2018-05-30 20:03:01 UTC  

@Nightring Well, if you go to a cocktail party and someone slips you a mickey and puts you in a position to be blackmailed, how do you handle it? Not saying it happened, but the idea has been tossed around and been alluded to by Q.

2018-05-30 20:04:05 UTC  

I bet at least 70% are compromised

2018-05-30 20:04:06 UTC  

@Terry Q Me???? I cant say that online... but ALL involved would be affected in a negative way...

2018-05-30 20:04:11 UTC  

There's a site called If you go there and click on the little icons on the left there's a player page. Lists Patriots, Evil doers and puppets.

2018-05-30 20:05:49 UTC  

I know about the map , but to do as we are finding out things if bad becomes good move him over to good, if good ends up bad move him over to bad

2018-05-30 20:06:29 UTC  

@Terry Q Here is the deal... Honesty is the best policy... Yet not one single Congress Member is willing to use it... They fear.... They fear losing their wealth and security... It's a huge problem in our Government at large, not just Congress...

2018-05-30 20:07:22 UTC  

@Nightring that the root of most of the corruption

2018-05-30 20:07:39 UTC  
2018-05-30 20:08:06 UTC  

@Nightring Amen to that. Truth is a rare commodity. Esp in Congress. It's all manipulation to get votes. Maintain power at all costs for most of them.

2018-05-30 20:16:17 UTC  

From an Anon...

2018-05-30 20:16:44 UTC  

It's a little off, but good none the less

2018-05-30 20:17:49 UTC  

Lion , the Lion of Judea

2018-05-30 20:20:47 UTC  

Diamond and Silk will be on Fox coming up Sanders tore up press conference telling them all the left has said about Trump

2018-05-30 20:21:03 UTC  

D&S on now

2018-05-30 20:21:30 UTC  

D&S defending the President

2018-05-30 20:21:59 UTC  

LOL @retiredDep I'll have to look up the Press Conference on GoogleYouTube, then watch it on HookTube 😃

2018-05-30 20:22:53 UTC  

Luv Sarah!!! She is like a pit bull on kittens with those idiots in the Press Pool LOL!!!

2018-05-30 20:24:30 UTC  

Love those Two Ladies 💞

2018-05-30 20:25:12 UTC  

D&S is telling it all you go girls

2018-05-30 20:25:13 UTC  

They are not letting this go Love it !!!