Message from @V77

Discord ID: 455160593188388865

2018-06-09 23:54:39 UTC  

Open for business!!! Ha

2018-06-09 23:54:59 UTC  

@Fremp thats what i thought but they will tell you different

2018-06-09 23:55:16 UTC  

Really? Never heard the opposite

2018-06-09 23:55:35 UTC

2018-06-09 23:55:56 UTC  

its why so many wear them like that they think it makes them look tuff lol

2018-06-09 23:55:56 UTC  

@B єℓℓα verità
Seems they Knew something but didn't want to partake....

2018-06-09 23:56:04 UTC  

@Fremp thanks for the street info! Glad I didn't!

2018-06-09 23:56:12 UTC  

Growing up they called it the LA sag, because it started in LA county prison

2018-06-09 23:58:22 UTC  

@JustOneAnon lol.i though the baggy pants thing was due to ...taking belt away so one doesn't hang ones self???

2018-06-09 23:59:53 UTC  

@Holly Engel it is when they first go to jail but once they are in its a fashion statement i guess lol

2018-06-10 00:01:03 UTC  

@JustOneAnon @Fremp thanks guys, for the education!

2018-06-10 00:01:42 UTC  

@Holly Engel you wont learn this in school lady 😩

2018-06-10 00:01:47 UTC  

We need to send all this prison and jail protocols to the democrats, I do not think? we will need to know them

2018-06-10 00:02:32 UTC  

I'm 60 don't have the motivation like when younger was an eveready bunny on the go non stop...gotta paint my kitchen..urg...

2018-06-10 00:02:56 UTC  

@JustOneAnon that's for sure...won't learn that in school...

2018-06-10 00:03:10 UTC  

Caption this pic.

2018-06-10 00:04:17 UTC  

@Holly Engel just hang around kiddo theirs more to come from someone im sure

2018-06-10 00:05:41 UTC

2018-06-10 00:06:12 UTC  

imagine that gorge has a friend

2018-06-10 00:07:52 UTC  


2018-06-10 00:08:26 UTC

2018-06-10 00:08:28 UTC  

This is over in The memes I’m dying 🤣🤣🤣

2018-06-10 00:08:34 UTC

2018-06-10 00:08:45 UTC

2018-06-10 00:08:45 UTC  

@Patriotski "And What was that again Angela"

2018-06-10 00:09:01 UTC  

He’s the only one not reading 🤣

2018-06-10 00:09:58 UTC

2018-06-10 00:10:18 UTC  


2018-06-10 00:10:23 UTC  

*true dat?*

2018-06-10 00:11:10 UTC  


2018-06-10 00:11:26 UTC  

*** hi ***

2018-06-10 00:11:28 UTC

2018-06-10 00:11:31 UTC  

Can't say How I feel about McStain. I might get banned.

2018-06-10 00:11:31 UTC  

You have gained a rank @Patriotski, you just advanced to 8 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!

2018-06-10 00:11:50 UTC  

@JustOneAnon totally I'm really good at sticking with following the changes in news! I'm a great procastonator & know's half the battle! I find less is more somtimes...don't have to push...all in good time...follow the Spirit!

2018-06-10 00:12:05 UTC  


2018-06-10 00:12:07 UTC  

Hey guys, how is everyone doing tonight?