Message from @🅱arD
Discord ID: 296770610422611969
anyone got tips on how to turn endless banter into more marketable banter like podcast material?
like anyone actually do podcasts here?
We have first episode done.
like I talk a fuck load but I need people to reel me in a lot
I think they were trying to record material for the second episode today?
I also am a forgetful motherfucker
We were thinking of copperating with you guys and inviting someone as an Anticom speaker.
Oskar could you vouch for ToxicPiss?
Let Pepe be our voice
I also get fucking rowdy when people start shitposting on mic lmao
probably got that
He's been helping with our website, has been with us for more than a month.
Ok, I gave him the vouched member rank. Basically non-vetted but he can send images and links
Should suffice until someone can vet him
Does VoL have an official site?
The ban on non-vetted members from posting images comes from some faggots spamming interracial porn.
So if someone is willing to vouch for him than he is probably not a threat in that reguard.
Don't tread on memes patch in progress.
Can anyone vet me at the moment?
@IronPirate <@&278459485687644161> we need to vet this guy. He is our main priority.
<@&278459485687644161> He's the VoL member who was fired from his job. Right? @IronPirate
@IronPirate can I get a quick rundown on that story?
Dude snapped a picture of my face while we were on a sticker campaign and uploaded it to FB claiming that I am in charge of pro Nazi, antisemetic, antiwoman etc. stickers popping up around the area
Boss saw the post, recognized me, fired me.
Currently waiting on a return call from a lawyer to see what my options are as far as defamation goes.
Also scrambling to find a new job in the process.
@IronPirate what state do you live in? Is your boss a libcuck? What evidence did the assholes who posted your picture have of these accusations? We are a libertarian movement. kek
We wanna do this in VC?
@Wrathsalts he's not vetted