Message from @rfun
Discord ID: 456583834524450827
@Axiom.moixa🗝 Whoa
aww thanks Violet .. but I understand if they are nervous.. but the guys do a great job at making things relaxed.
its those dang doorknobs again
what made you angry?
Justin Trudeau related to crooked pitchman Kevin Trudeau?.......see any resemblance
assault doorknob - meme, go
dang more shooters? or same one
don't let the doorknob hit ya where the good Lord split ya (and avoid neckties at all costs)
and scarfs
if you come home and your doorknob is wearing a necktie 😱
those door knobs are a real thing btqw, thanks hobby lobby
@Deleted User scroll up LOL
I think I am going to get a bumper sticker that says, "I was talking about the Deep State, when the Deep State was not cool." Now that it is safe, it is on all the talk and TV shows.Where were they 6 years ago? Sadly, they will not go deeper, that takes guts. -@Kevin_Shipp
BREAKING: Trump attorney Michael Cohen has NOT held discussions with prosecutors about potential cooperation - AP
So on the point of the Autists/Anons getting ansy on the amount of newfags showing up, how long before they start showing up here for sanctuary LOL
Are they asking us U.S. Army
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6m6 minutes ago
How many expert shooters do we have out there?
I'll bite
are they brain washed or payed? What in the world make people do such things?
Possible connection to SUB
the love of money is the root of all evil @rfun
@Gilaad I think they will find a place where http does not go
You have gained a rank @Deleted User, you just advanced to 23 . Thanks for all you do Patriot!
wb @Deleted User I made your meme, scroll up LOL 😄