Message from @Akira Kurusu
Discord ID: 469108505291522049
smh my head
Lucy is getting all the chads
I'm in her DMs right now
I'm in her right now
The only chad she's getting is me.
That's all I'm revealing about my personal life tyvm
Real talk, have you guys actually Skyped
E-trads take another L as they have phone sex outside of marriage
We talk every day and are in a srs relationship.
@RetardO ExtremeO I'm guilty of that with my ex
Except she wasn't "e"
who is lucy?
Pls drop this nao I dont like talking about personell stuff
@Deleted User Here take this 🇱
Ok retard dont put her on my timeline then
@Deleted User she's Portuguese Twitter e girl
@Earl of Grey is she taller than you
I dont put any women on the TL unless they have gud content
lul I'm above average height m8
So she's a womanlet then
Earl is lanklet confirmed
She's Portuguese
@Sleightology all according to plan
What do you think
You fell into my trap
now this is praxis
you are obsessed with height
I'm memeing
@Earl of Grey ok nice
Dusty needs stilts