Message from @Akira Kurusu
Discord ID: 469108940433784833
I dont put any women on the TL unless they have gud content
lul I'm above average height m8
So she's a womanlet then
Earl is lanklet confirmed
She's Portuguese
@Sleightology all according to plan
What do you think
You fell into my trap
now this is praxis
you are obsessed with height
I'm memeing
@Earl of Grey ok nice
Dusty needs stilts
@Sleightology t. Kiwi
Earl are you even from Portugal, you know she's across the world
She's a good girl. She does what I tell her.
Pls do not talk about my relationships from now on tyvm.
Make her buy a plane ticket
Don't be like radec
@Earl of Grey do you tell her to wanna suck gay body builders
Im a volcel bruh
the logical volcel
the tactical volcel
does she have a dick
She made a dumb joke before we were dating.
She cut that shit out @RetardO ExtremeO
niggas be 5'10" and a 1/2 sayiing they above average height smh
suckin niggas off for a joke
top 10 epic pranks gone WRONG
(In the Hood!!!)
@Earl of Grey tell her to ignore all men