Message from @Fremp

Discord ID: 459195530581377026

2018-06-21 03:14:51 UTC

2018-06-21 03:15:06 UTC  

compilation of renteria's "campaign manager" information.

23 year old Yale '18 graduate Sergio Brandon Lopez-Valdez, listed as "campaign consultant" is the only expense she lists in any management capacity.

pictures of this kid with biden, wjc, hrc on his fb.

digging for a family connection to the clintons or lynch, some obvious bridge.

2018-06-21 03:15:35 UTC  
2018-06-21 03:16:11 UTC

2018-06-21 03:16:24 UTC  


Not many who profess to love America are content with the current state of affairs. Most Self-
Proclaimed Patriots have a singular issue in common, a desire to see our Constitution implemented as it was originally designed to operate.

What is unfortunate is that many are not fully cognizant of what that actually means; and fewer still realize how much would have to change for that to happen.

It is rare indeed to encounter a Patriot or Patriots with a comprehensive plan of action designed to re-institute Constitutional adherence by the three branches of government, though not unheard of.

In a 9/18/17 issue of *The Hill*, it was reported that a group of State Legislators representing 19 States had met in Phoenix for four days in the week preceding the publication of the article, in order to discuss the logistics involved in calling an Article V Constitutional Convention.

The amendments floated for consideration were one involving a balanced budget and another involving term limits. While these are both important issues, they can not be construed to serve to restore the Constitution’s full integrity.

2018-06-21 03:17:41 UTC  

I keep almost reposting people's tweets that are from

2018-06-21 03:17:59 UTC  

follow me if you don't already Adam

2018-06-21 03:18:07 UTC

2018-06-21 03:18:09 UTC  

6Yjfpz.jpg (575×773)

2018-06-21 03:18:27 UTC  

"4 years ago, a Capitol Hill staffer said Sasha and Malia should 'try showing a little class' and soon had to resign after the insurmountable backlash

Today, Peter Fonda said Barron Trump should be abducted and molested by pedophiles, and he didn’t even lose his Twitter account." -Cameron Gray, Twitter

2018-06-21 03:18:51 UTC  

Mmmm peppers 🌶

2018-06-21 03:19:05 UTC  
2018-06-21 03:19:05 UTC  

Y’all are talking my love language

2018-06-21 03:19:22 UTC  

@Fremp u do love peppers

2018-06-21 03:19:44 UTC  

In the past, we have been given to understand that The People can participate in the process of Government by casting our vote; and not much else. We are assured that the checks and balances the.
three branches of government provide for each other are sufficient to protect against corruption and overreach. We are assured that the opportunity to submit a petition at is an effective venue for a meaningful redress of grievances. It has become more than apparent, that simply is not the case.

2018-06-21 03:20:02 UTC  

My text chat window keeps stopping and not staying at the newest text.......... anyone know a solution...... I have looked in setting, tried reloading x2.

2018-06-21 03:20:45 UTC  


2018-06-21 03:20:54 UTC  

It ain't working!

2018-06-21 03:21:52 UTC

2018-06-21 03:22:01 UTC  

scroll all the way down Adam... if you scroll up at all, it won't roll

2018-06-21 03:22:01 UTC  

🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗 🤗

2018-06-21 03:22:22 UTC  

I may be killin it by deleting stuff

2018-06-21 03:23:08 UTC  

@Deleted User I know that is how it is suppose to work but it isn't right now..... I have even made sure I had discord as the last app I clicked on while scrolling on other screens but it still stops

2018-06-21 03:23:19 UTC  

I'm triggered

2018-06-21 03:23:47 UTC  

more like peter fondle, amirite

2018-06-21 03:23:53 UTC  


2018-06-21 03:24:10 UTC  

🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 🍉 ❄ ❄ ❄ ❄

2018-06-21 03:24:13 UTC  

Madder... mic up and join the drunk chat in Patriots Soapbox Voice (at left)

2018-06-21 03:24:28 UTC